
72hr Jam 2023 koth_kinneb72hr b2

also doorframes and a closed window
attatched vmf instead of bsp in my excitement
Hey, its in beta now!
everything is textured, i fixed a lot of clipping and nodraw stuff
also major retheme!
i just felt very limited with the space theme, and i like how this is going a lot more! (also, it being 100% vanilla is helpful for compiling)
soundscapes and more props are here, very minor asym detailing!
this is the first ever map of mine to make it this far, so im excited for its future
i pushed it to beta because people seemed to have a lot of fun with it and there werent major changes that needed to happen in the last few alphas

Textures, minor layout changes
We are now contained in a box! In space! The mercs can now breathe, thankfully. I made a few edits to the layout, primarily:
-Exposing Sniper window to other sniper window
-Widening point to have some cover
-Changing a ramp near the point to a wall for more cover
-Extending the window/wall just outside the main building to allow more cover from the sniper window
-A ramp from the main building to the second floor, without having to go back through the entrance
-Dims Lights
-Adds flank route to upper floor
-Removes space doors for now
Layout change, nasic theme implemented
Removed doors, Removes accidentally packed HUD, Removes some strange cover.