
koth_castletower a1

I apologize to anyone who didn't like that I called it "beta" before. I'd been using the versions really just for myself and didn't know there were community standards with them. I had been calling it beta as I had reached detailing and hadn't originally anticipated being able to get such a high quantity of feedback (I only realized my resource here with TF2 maps far into working on this).

I really appreciate the feedback I was able to get in my previous test and have made changes in an attempt to address the major issues people had:
-Cut the big useless flank
-Added a new, more exposed flank that runs through mid rather than around it (not sure about this yet but eager to see what people have to say).
-Indoor flank no longer reaches spawn directly and instead buffers to the main area between spawn and mid
-Removed some props that hurt combat
-Redesigned the area between spawn and mid, giving a bit more to snipers and engineers
-Moved the team-side health and ammo in mid

This version is really rough visually, so I don't really need feedback on things that are consequence of that, as they'll change once I get the layout done.