KOTH Brine

KOTH Brine a7

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KOTH Brine a7

Turn the wheel to raise or lower the point.

Was testing some logic in regards to a moving point when I blacked out, and when I woke up it had turned into a full map.

Wonder how that happens.
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

More downloads from TylowStar

Latest updates

  1. a7

    Broke up the mid area a bit, added a death pit under the point that you can't see until it rises >:D, added a real flank route through the waterside hill, fixed bug wherein you can't win unless you have both points.
  2. a6

    Probably the most minor update so far. -After feedback from a5 gave me the epiphany that, yes, this is technically a new gamemode, I took the leap and made the wheel a full-on cap point. Well, technically. It has it's own, custom, HUD icon (DEAD...
  3. a5

    Logic has been changed slightly. The wheel now acts as a seperate mini-point of sorts. Some more pack shuffling.

Latest reviews

I Love the theme of this map and was Really amazed when I was playing on it. Enjoyed a lot.