
jump_daeva final

-detailed spawn area
-fixed ramp connector to 5th
-swapped honeycomb2.vtf for new one (honeycomb.vtf mipmap thingy didnt work with newer one)
-final compile (hopefully)
-changed b4
-probably got cubemaps working. weird config doesnt like showing cubemaps at all so dunno but in theory they should be working now
-fixed teles on bonus
-attempted to build cubemaps, stuck with missing texture for now
-added 4 bonuses
-still working on trying to reduce BSP size, as 2 fake skyboxes has brought the file to 206mb
-removed herobrine
map file is swear wording huge again thanks to textures but i shall see what i can do about this in future versions

-added end cap
-added b2
-small changes to soldier route
-lightmap & skybox changes for lower file size (which got bloated again by fake skybox cubemap)
-lowered lightmap scale in various areas to bring down file size to something more normal
-added auto-edgebug to connector into 5th
-added env_laser to signify autoeb on 1st
-fixed some playerclips
-changed func_clip_vphys to no-render func_brushes for less bouncy stickies on 5th
-added slightly more detailing to 5th so its less skybox airpogo-y
-repositioned restart destination on 7th
-added catapult to 7th for soldiers who miss the sync speed strat
-added wallshot track in ceiling of last so soldiers who move very quickly will be rewarded with skipping autoeb platform
-slightly raised autoeb platform on 4th start
-cleaned up detailing on all jumps and connectors
-properly added catapults
-properly added func_clip_vphysics
-messed around with skybox/toolsblack boxes to fix weird visibility (not vis optimization, just being able to see stuff behind skybox brushes unintentionally)
-new welcome screen
-fixed last route for soldier
-lit areas that were previously quite dark to fix visibility in some areas
-removed herobrine
-detailed rest of map
-fixed vvis issues (may need optimization)
-func_detail'd some things
-everything is now done except for soldier route for jumps 7 & 8, last cp, vphys roller triggers, and extra anticheat
-detailed 4th and 5th
-added connectors between 3rd and 4th, 4th and 5th
-fixed lowgrav for soldier only, made particles more visible, attempted better visibility
-fixed headcheck on 2nd to give better spacing
-removed lighting because funny
-fixed 3rd and a lot of related catapults, logic, 25% grav trigger for soldier, particle dustmotes thingy, ramp hell etc
-removed herobrine