
Iteration A2A


Changed the texture of the ground to be uniform across all areas
Added stripe around the boundaries of the Control Point
Removed "rubble pile" below the sniper outlook, as well as the jumping block allowing players to retraverse the 1-way tunnel leading into the side area
Fixed a large leak
Reworked point geometry to have more cover for defenders as well as additional locations to fire upon enemies


Complete some requests without an A3
Make the point more attractive to defenders
Make it less easy to penetrate enemy territory without being a jumping class (temporary)

Rebuilt spawn & courtyard to be less cramped
Reworked lighting to be brighter and more sharp
Widened most tunnels and pathways
Made it harder to attack/get to the enemy's spawn
Removed the sniper sightline blocker door
Added a pile of debris to climb to the sniper balcony
Added more cover to the sniper balcony
Raised the point and made it a viable hold point (hopefully)


Hopefully undermine the reigning "spam and pyros" meta gripping the last version, while keeping the flanks viable
Make the point an object of interest battle-wise
Improve lighting/atmosphere