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instance4 _v1

the easy way... maybe

I'm uploading this primarily to insure against it being lost forever by hard drive failure.

This was a project I started (and finished) in mid 2023, but never uploaded.
It was to be a set of modular func_instance pieces that you could drag and drop into your map to quickly assemble TF2-style buildings.
If you only try using the instances by name, you'll probably never understand how they work, since the naming scheme is quite complicated.
This is why I provide two example VMFs - one of them is the VMF I used to build the instances in the first place, and the other is a somewhat failed attempt to build an A/D map using the instances as a primary level design tool. Consider it an orphaned map.

I was quite excited about this at the time, but all the obvious criticisms apply to it... To summarise them, you really shouldn't only rely on a set of blocky prefabs to build your map out of.

I should probably explain why this is called instance4.
I don't just have one folder for all my func_instance vmfs - I separate them into several:
  • instance - late 2021 - gravelpit shacks
  • instance2 - early 2022 - gravelpit shacks on top of wooden platforms
  • instance3 - early 2023 - this download - modular toolkit for assembling fancy gravelpit shacks
  • instance4 - mid 2023 - this download - modular toolkit for assembling buildings
  • instance5 - mid/late 2023 - this download - small test of how to make more interesting Roundhouse instances
  • instance6 - mid/late 2024 - this download - spiritual combination of instance4 and instance5
Free to use and modify.
First release
Last update

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