
Steep rc3a

map changes:
-moved convergence into the hillside by 256 units. this should make the two bomb paths more similar in length
-rescaled several things near the convergence: both paths in are now 320 wide instead of 256/384, red building on hill is now 384 wide instead of 512
-removed hopper dropzone in cave because it was hard to use and conflicted with other geometry after resizing things
-nudged rock pile at entry area up 16 units to make certain jumps easier
-simplified geometry at lower bot entry ledge so hopefully bots don't get stuck there anymore
-lowered bot entry ledge from 192 to 128, brought forward 128
-ammo by convergence was medium, now full
-moved pickups on upper deck of hatch area down a floor
-flag detection trigger near the hatch no longer clears the bomb path nav_avoids so bots always use the same path
-fixed the red spawn again, hopefully for real this time

anticipated map changes:
-both routes need revision so that height advantage is more usable. this is kinda rushed out to make some more simple changes and get a new .pop out

adv. popfile:
-adjusted timings to make waves not drag on so much, hopefully
-adjusted timings of some
-adjusted giant spawns to spawn one at a time instead of in clumps
-reduced cash on later waves to increase difficulty, as testing showed we didn't get pushed back in the last few
-giant pyros should no longer reflect projectiles
-some bots now have specific high/low spawns

-reduced medic/vacc bullet medic squads from 16 to 12
-reduced burst demo count from 24 to 20
-bots in second subwave spawn quicker but in smaller groups

-fat scouts were set to 30 seconds between spawns for some reason?? now its 6
-super scouts replaced with support demoknights because super scouts + pyro squads wasn't working

-changed quick melee scouts to regular melee scouts because scouts are already really fast and players aren't trained to recognize really quick scouts unless they're giants. also they were annoying
-staggered giant soldier spawns so it alternates: Giant Spammer Squad, Giant Crit, Giant Spammer Squad, Giant Crit. reduced maxcount of melee scouts to ensure spawns aren't restricted by max bot count (assuming no subwave 1 bots are still around)

-moved tank to start of wave
-increased demoknights from 36 to 48
-increased giant crit demomen from 2 to 3, now in squad with 2 medics
-removed spies because a) a bug means you should only use them at the start of the wave, and b) spawning them late means they'll start spawning near players who died and are walking to the front lines, which plays really strangely
-changed scouts to support
-changed crit soldiers to support, removed medics
-moved giant heavies to subwave 2, added giant medic squad
-removed burst demomen

-removed giant heavies because we just did that
-removed tank so we don't have 3 tank waves in a row
-reduced super scout count from 6 to 4
-combined subwave 2 fodder (fat scouts, fast pyros) into random selection wavespawn of 60 bots total (50/50 distribution)
-combined buff banner soldiers and fast crit champs into random selection support (50/50 distribution)
-added 2 giant shotgun heavy/4 medic squads, 2 giant rapid fire demomen/giant medic squads to end of wave

-wasnt really happy with the bot composition of this wave so i reworked it to the point where documenting changes is basically pointless

(no screenshots because most changes are pretty minor)
Forgot to include a bot template file. That's included now.
map changes:
-fixed missing blue func_respawnroom
-added nobuild to rocks at starting area
-hopefully fixed sniper position having wonky aim
-added nav avoid to weird train perch area to prevent bots from getting stuck on a corner
-added mullions to forward upgrade station room to make glass more obvious
-added light to forward upgrade station room to make it more difficult to miss
-raised a platform in cave route from 64 to 128 and extended the back to make it a more useful holding position
-lowered a platform at convergence from 256 to 192 to bring it closer to gameplay space (less damage falloff while still maintaining a safe distance from bots, ideally)
-lowered rocks at starting area to provide less cover
-added second bot entry. all default spawn names can spawn at both. spawnbot_high and spawnbot_low can be used to specify which to spawn at.
-added medium health/ammo by convergence
-added medium health/ammo to hill route on bottom

anticipated map changes:
-the hill route (as opposed to the cave route) seems like it kinda sucks. the upper room is a lot less useful than i thought (damage falloff and awkward sightlines to the bots, not to mention how difficult it even is to access). theres not really any other usable high ground except at the very start or very end so players just run backwards along the bot route. its not nearly as fun as the cave route, not to mention that its a shorter path overall. i think this route needs a do-over
-the choke between the convergence of the two paths and the hatch area isn't much fun to hold cause its flat and the high ground is difficult to access/too far away to be useful because of damage falloff. needs some rethinking
-may slide the convergence (and hatch area) back into the hill so the two routes have more similar lengths and to potentially rescale the entrance/exit halls of the cave (haven't decided if these are the right size or not but something has to change)
-may reconfigure bot spawn so their perch has a sightline to the train, making sentries less powerful there

-hamlet hostility popfile renamed to _rottenburg, fixed chief not spawning
-added original popfile that should be more difficult to make up for the map being easier to defend than rottenburg. hamlet hostility popfile is also included in case this one is too hard


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I got frustrated with trying to fix the previous map because it had a lot of dependencies in the layout (i.e. things being next to other things, making them difficult to edit) and it was also just pretty boring overall. This new layout is more linear and is separated into more distinct parts, making it easier to work with. Vertical play is emphasized.

The map has two routes, both of which are very separated from each other. Because the paths are so separate, tank paths will adjust themselves to fit: Path A will take the same path as the robots, and Path B will take the opposite route.

Map length is around the length of Rottenburg. The popfile is Hamlet Hostility, edited to make work with the map's entity setup.


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Alpha 2

added "common" tag to nav blockers to enforce a more strict path for bots
changed train gate entrance to playerclip so bots are less confused on how to enter the map
moved pickups around, upgraded some medium health/ammos to fulls, added more in general
raised hatch area 64 units
raised spawn by an additional 64 units
fixed nobuild on certain roofs
forward upgrade station never disables itself (will find a better solution but for now this fixes the station being closed when you fail a wave)
moved left side flank towards hatch by 256 units

Normal popfile:
start with 500 credits (was 400)
adjusted several spawn rate values across all waves to be more reasonable
added AlwaysFireWeapon to pyros

wave 1:
changed pyros to support
giant demos replaced with regular demos, which spawn after all soldiers are spawned
added sniper mission

wave 2:
giant heavies replaced with regular heavy/medic combo
added scouts that spawned after all heavy/medic combos spawn
demoknight support does not spawn until all heavy/medic combos spawn

wave 3:
increased tank health (15,000 -> 35,000)
melee heavies spawn earlier
soldiers spawn later, less frequently
giant heavies replaced with giant shotgun heavies

wave 4:
changed giant heavy support from regular heavies to melee heavies
changed melee scouts to melee pyros

wave 5:
giant soldiers spawn after heavies all spawn

wave 6:
increased tank health (20,000 -> 30,000)
changed snipers to scouts
made pyros support

front spine doesnt have much cover and the cover it does have is hard to use. it needs a redesign
right side (two parallel trains) needs a redesign. likely it will not have the trains anymore, as I don't want the terrain to be flat (height difference to hatch is pretty big and i think that area needs to be more interesting in general)
health and ammo placement is goofy as heck
middle path is rather difficult to play because of no cover. the spine between it and the hatch needs a redesign to be more usable.
still need to implement train
hatch area probably needs more cover
the front is a big ol spam pit. i may add a secondary entrance over by where the parallel train tracks are now to allow more versatility in the waves (would use a different spawn name so popfiles have to intentionally use it?)
i think i might expand the back spine to alter the overall layout as such.

(popfile notes may be incomplete because of a computer crash)


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