
Humbridge rc1

- Further artpassing (OOB areas, hatch museum, bot spawn)
- Nav fixes
- Soundscapes set up (might need beefing up a bit)
-Fixed an issue where you could shoot through a fence prop that was meant to be solid
-Fixed some lighting origins
-Fixed a displacement players could get stuck on if they ran into it
- Fruther artpassing (spawn room is now a museum)
- General clipping improvements
- Fixed some props having collisions enabled
- the road by hatch is no longer as steep
- Nav tweaks to fix potential sentry buster insta-det spots
- Further artpassing
- Removal of some unused assets to free up file size
- Navigation improvements along the top route behind pub to prevent awkward pathing
- Improved clipping around the map
- Fixed a dispenser God-spot
- (Attempted) to add sounds to the tank entrance (seemingly failed)
- Made some misc props non-solid
Uploading myself because Liz is asleep -Birchly

-Added a Blue Team respawn brush to the tank spawn to stop Spy bots from spawning in there
-Made brush signs in the train station non-solid
-I aligned that one sign in the train station where the text wasn't centered and it was really annoying me like I don't know how I messed that up like it was off center and I kept on asking people "do you think this is off center?" and they would look at me like I was crazy and I felt like I was going mad like seriously I thought I had aligned the text and it was just because I put the building at a 45 degree angle then applied the texture sheet in a weird way but no I just messed up making the texture like how did I manage that like I know I rushed the texture into b3 just to do some more art-passing but like howwwwww
- Further artpassing and asset creation for trainyard and train station
- A radio has been added to the forwards upgrade, there is 2 tracks that play depending on what route the bots will take.
- Tracks are both produced by Non The Ninja
- fixed a problem where bots would try to pathfind up the small stairwell at their spawn
- Added 2 relays that can be used by mission makers to select specific bomb routes for a given wave

POP CHANGES (Broken parts pop only)
- Wave 1 has been tuned to not be as slow pacing wise
- Wave 3 and 6 are guarenteed to use the lower bomb route.
- Wave 5 is now a bit more silly if the server is utilising rafmod. Otherwise it will still be a singular bot that allows for a quick bypass of a very boring wave whilst keeping money equivelent.
- Reworked the bot spawnyard to be less condesned and more flexible in hold styles
- Further artpassing

Known issues
- Bots taking the lower route may take the staircase in botyard rather then following the main route. Potentially could be a stuck spot
- Spies are able to spawn in the tank area