
hotted_boobs a22

a12 changelog:

- blocked a long sightline from mid bridges into spawn lobbies
i stacked them sorry
a11 changelog:

a10 played pretty well with no major complaints. i might end up running a11 through playtesting multiple times if nothing else arises.

- adjusted some cover in mid to block a crack sightline
- clipped door into sewers
a10 changelog:

- removed additonal route from room near intel to highground
the previous additional routes solved the mid camping issue, but ended up making the layout confusing and let attackers quickly retreat to a powerful highground after they took the intelligence.
it completely fucked up the map's flow.
- the additional room at highground is now connected to the old highground route.
two ways in from the low and highground should be enough. i'm not sure how this will play.
- clipped ramps up to mid spire
whoops, forgot about that one.
a9 changelog:

- increased time on capture to 90s (from 60)
- widened upper route a bit
- added another route to mid highground from the rear intel room, with medium health and ammo
- added a medium health kit to the high ground visible from spawns
- moved pickups at mid to be more exposed to team bases
these changes should help with teams camping mid.
- added bridges from mid high ground to mid spire
engineers holding up here were difficult to dislodge.
- adjusted lighting and signage
a8 changelog:

a7 played pretty well, so now i'm going to do a few experiments to see if i can improve on it and can easily rollback map changes to a safe, fun verison if they don't work out.

- added one-way doors on the immediate dropdown into intel
blast jump classes are uniquely powerful at the moment, able to exploit a brief lapse in the defence to swiftly yoink the intel and get back onto high ground.
adding a one-way door on the closest of the two dropdowns should shift the focus away from soldiers and demomen and give other classes a chance at the intel too.
good coordination to hold the door open will mean that swift steals are still possible, but require a firmer hold on the high ground.20200422193143_1.jpg 20200422193137_1.jpg
a7 changelog:

- added signage
i remembered this time! only took like two updates
- removed shutter door frame from spawn "lobby" building Thing
- moved spawns back to give players a view of every route as they leave spawn
this should help a ton with navigation and understanding the map in general. a slightly higher walktime between spawn and mid should also help gameplay flow.

ty emil, wilson for Funny Cutout


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a6 changelog:

- mid has been made Thicker
it's mid-sized now! i think! maybe
- added ways up to middle platform
more traversal options are poggers
- more cover on sewer exits into mid
- More Shit around mid. little buildings. im tired as hell writing these notes rn look at the screenshot
- added a room beside intel, with entrance from sewer and a dropdown from upper route
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- changed rear spawn exit to remove that fuuuucking awful balcony that caused tons of sniper issues
whoops! filler "i have no ideas oh god" areas suck


oh fuck i forgot to add signage again and i only just remembered as i'm uploading this whoOPS
a5 changelog:

- mid is no longer some weird shit split in half thing
gggoddddd i haven't been sleeping well. hopefully having mid be An Actual Fucking Mid this time should allow for a sort of push-pull flow to it, letting the controlling team stage coordinated pushes into enemy intel.
- the area in front of the mid-facing spawn doors is now covered by a roof to limit spam
might end up moving these spawns back at some point depending on how playtests go when i finally have a mid that's decent. still gathering data, since the Big Issue is currently mid
a4 changelog

- remade layout from scratch
it sucked! probably still does, though this one's hopefully salvageable.
- flag capture zones are a little bit smaller
- funy robote (ty lofi)
a3 changelog:

- added even more map to the map
- added rotations from low ground to high ground at mid
- highground entrances to intel rooms are now enclosed balconies with an open window and oneway door dropdown.
attackers being able to freely spam into intel and blast jump back out sucked for the defense. while i'm going for a fast ctf style, kneecapping defensive options isn't the right way to go about it. players naturally want to defend their flag, and punishing them for playing their objective leads to frustration.
these balconies are far from perfect, but i'm waiting on a playtest to decide which way to take them from here.
- added medium ammo beside medium health kits in lobbies
- changed small health kits at mid to medium, and added medium ammo beside them
players felt starved for resources and struggled to stage a full push into intel after being worn down from the midfight. this should let mid be held by teams for long enough to safely push into intel before needing to retreat.


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