
Hideout b3


- Added nobuild zone to tops of barrel crates and the tank in cave area
- Fixed broken detail sprites
- Adjusted fog and water lod settings
- Added aditional cosmetic details

- Opened part of window in upper right building at mid
- Fixed nav issues near hatch
- Fixed misaligned respawn room visualizer textures on player spawn
- Fixed deathpit not instantly killing robots
- W2: Increased number of soldier / medic pairs, added burst fire demomen
- W3: Increased boss' fire rate, added GRU heavy support
- W5: Increased tank health to 25000, increased number of demoknights



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- Added second ramp up to upper walkway near front
- Adjusted size and position of pickups
- Fixed forward upgrade station not working after failing a wave
- Fixed clipping around sheet metal step near front
- Fixed nav mesh around dump truck prop
- W1: Raised # of scouts and made demomen start spawning sooner
- W2: Raised # of demoknights
- W5: Lowered # of giant deflectors to 2
- W6: Removed health regen on boss pyro, lowered support spawn rate
- W1: Raised # of flare pyros
- W3: Removed uber from giant shield medics, lowered health regen on boss sniper, raised wave cash to $625
- W5: Removed glitchy cosmetic item from boss heavy
- Changed name to mvm_hideout
- Map:
- Added more health and ammo around the map
- Added more cover around mid area
- Lowered the amount of engie nest hints
- Fixed unwalkable displacements near bot spawn
- Fixed forward upgrade station remaining disabled after losing a wave​
- Missions:
- Moved waves 1 - 4 of intermediate into new advanced mission​
- Intermediate:
- Added waves 1 - 4
- W5: Decreased spawn rates, increased money
- W6: Decreased spawn rates, lowered number of demomen, nerfed health and regen rate of pyro boss and increased boss flamethrower range​
- Advanced:
- Added wave 5
- Increased starting money
- W1 and W2: Decreased spawn rates
- W3: Decreased spawn rates, changed giant burst soldiers to non-crit variant​