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Gravetyloss b1

payload map in space with a controlpoint to countinue after each capturepoint.

payload map located inside a spaceship inside a asteroid field.
pl_gravetyloss screneshot6.pngpl_gravetyloss screneshot1.pngpl_gravetyloss screneshot5.png

Blues objective is to push the cart throu 3 points where the cart stops and they need to capture a controlpoint to unlock the cart and procede.
pl_gravetyloss screneshot2.png

Over the duration of the map will doors and other things lock and unlock depending on the situation.
pl_gravetyloss screneshot3.png

In this map are a hand full of interactive parts and traps like the laser that can be activatet by a button.
pl_gravetyloss screneshot4.png

Bewehr of the air locks! You dount want to be strandet in space...
First release
Last update

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