- When B is capped, Blu first gets a force respawn to their current spawn location, which is now disabled (respawn trigger included).
Afterwards, their spawn location is changed to Red's first spawn.
At C, increased Red's respawn wave time from 6 to 7
Removed Blu's old forward spawn for when B is capped
- Removed the bottom middle route at C
- Made an additional escape route for red for when B is capped, and made it clearer that they are escape routes
- Added a medium ammo pack at the lowground of B
- Added a bit of detailing
- Excluding Blu spawn, removed all real time reflection water. As much as it hurts me to do so
- Made the red and blue brick walls slightly brighter and very slightly more neutral colored, and added a bit more variance to wall textures
- Added resupply signs to some spawns, and a control point sign to the A point
- Moved the trigger of the death pit below the B point a bit lower