-extended the teleport trigger on red's first spawn, so players don't get stuck on the door;
-changed the fences on C point so they can't be shot trough;
-changed some glass textures and added a trim to them so they're more visible;
-the flaming tire piles can light arrows on fire now;
-raised the clipping on the A point, so people don't bump their heads while rocket jumping;
-added more overlays that tell you where to go;
-some new brushwork here and there;
-more pickups were added;
-RED's spawn while A is captured is now the forward spawn instead of the final one;
-capture and respawn wave times have been tweaked;
-clipped the wood fences so you can actually lay stickies and do splash damage with them;
-some other minor stuff added that's not worth mentioning, like textures, sirens and such.


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