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Factoryline a7c

After the playtest the following problems were given as feedback and need to be fixed.

Bigger Problems are


Problem : Because it is to easy to forward hold the point becomes hard to capture.

Proposed change: Make atual rooms in the buildings next to the point, with less pickups.

ShutterDoor to Point

Problem: Door placed to prevent a major sightline, but also all visibility to the point.

Proposed change:
Add a window next to the door.

Dispenser on Point

: No good places to put a dispenser arround the point. I will asume this goes up for the other buildings as wel.

Proposed change : Make orange walls, to be replaced with props.

Lower Point Area

Problem : Although intended for during alpha, because it is impossible to get up from the lower area for most classes, people rarely fight here.

Proposed Change: Keep the lowground, but also give it a platform of arround the same hight as the highground next to the point.

General Gameplay area

Problem: Although no feedback given about the size of the map, the map felt really small with 24 players playing.

Proposed change : Scale up the map as a whole, while keeping in mind that Pyro or Medic need to reach midpoint in about 15 seconds. (since their movement speed is defined as 100% by Valve)

Smaller Problems

Doors: Triggerboxes seem to be to small, adjust size

Bad FPS: Optimize the map

Gaps: Some walls are not properly alligned, easy fixes

Light: Some area's seem really bright or really dark, apperantly there is a leak, while the skybox goes arround the whole map and no entities / logic are outside the map. Loading the pointfile does show a red line in the void, without any props or other stuff near. There are some spawndoors that show a circle outside the skybox. Maybe this is fixed by redoing the spawn doors
Alfa is as good as done now, I hope to not change much more about the layout, expect for adding more props....

up to the next Jam :D
Started reworking the entire map. Got the Mid area done and the logics.......

- Reworked MID buildings.
- Layout now Mirrored.
- Added Overlay beneath packs.
- Shorter Round Time.
- Made more route's to the point.


- Add Doors to Mid
- Do Better Lighting
- Add the Factory theme (while applying Texture)
- Playtest
Feedback didnt mention scale, only comment on gameplay area was about the Building to Mid.

Apperantly missed some connections to the ground, and have a leak somwhere, while Hammer does not indicate one.

Got mixed feedback about the MID area and how the buildings arround are located, espescially since attacking players come from one general direction.


- Make all the walls touch floors / Rework MID buildings in general
- Patch up holes in walls
- Add cover to Mid / rework point
- Finish / Do Better Lighting
- Add the Factory theme (while applying Texture)
- Playtest