After the playtest the following problems were given as feedback and need to be fixed.
Bigger Problems are
Problem : Because it is to easy to forward hold the point becomes hard to capture.
Proposed change: Make atual rooms in the buildings next to the point, with less pickups.
ShutterDoor to Point
Problem: Door placed to prevent a major sightline, but also all visibility to the point.
Proposed change: Add a window next to the door.
Dispenser on Point
Problem : No good places to put a dispenser arround the point. I will asume this goes up for the other buildings as wel.
Proposed change : Make orange walls, to be replaced with props.
Lower Point Area
Problem : Although intended for during alpha, because it is impossible to get up from the lower area for most classes, people rarely fight here.
Proposed Change: Keep the lowground, but also give it a platform of arround the same hight as the highground next to the point.
General Gameplay area
Problem: Although no feedback given about the size of the map, the map felt really small with 24 players playing.
Proposed change : Scale up the map as a whole, while keeping in mind that Pyro or Medic need to reach midpoint in about 15 seconds. (since their movement speed is defined as 100% by Valve)
Smaller Problems
Doors: Triggerboxes seem to be to small, adjust size
Bad FPS: Optimize the map
Gaps: Some walls are not properly alligned, easy fixes
Light: Some area's seem really bright or really dark, apperantly there is a leak, while the skybox goes arround the whole map and no entities / logic are outside the map. Loading the pointfile does show a red line in the void, without any props or other stuff near. There are some spawndoors that show a circle outside the skybox. Maybe this is fixed by redoing the spawn doors