>Added cubemaps
>Stage 1
-Fixed displacement seams in aviary area
-Re-added one-way gate to tunnel area
>Stage 2
-Added some nodraw brushes behind displacement walls to improve performance.
>Stage 3
- Added areaportals.
>Added soundscapes (including a custom soundscape for jungle exterior).
>Stage 1
-Removed one-way gate from long tunnel.
>Stage 2
-Opened up roof windows in last point building (allows demomen to lob grenades out of and into the building).
>Stage 1
-Added some pickups.
-Moved a section of track away from rock wall in aviary area to prevent getting stuck between the cart and the wall.
>Stage 3
-Added several out-of-bounds areas, detailed RED spawn area.
-Added a tiny resupply room to the dropdown shortcut (allows RED to resupply there since you cannot get back up to main spawnroom once you drop down).
-Added a dropdown from the balcony on last point to make it less awkward for RED to exit final point building once A point (Raptor Pit) point is captured. Dropdown closes once B point (Loading area) is captured by BLU.
>Stage 1
-Added one-way gates to side route leading up to the wooden tower at B point (allows BLU to dig in and attack last point easier).
-Changed the layout of brick building interior (should kill that stupid sniper sightline)
-Removed the stairway leading up to wooden tower area on RED side.
>Stage 2
-Added areaportals and set prop fades to increase performance.
-Added a new route leading through the security building.
>Map going beta!
>Artpassed all 3 stages
>Disabled shadows on all trees (this is an experiment, I'm not too happy with how it looks but we'll see how people like it)
>Stage 1
-Decreased the size of BLU spawnroom
>Stage 2
-Added some more cover to wooden platform area
>Stage 3
-BLU forward spawn exit is not more streamlined (can exit without having to jump over handrails, added arrows directing players towards the objective
-Some layout changes to area before the entrance to final point room (should make it a little bit easier for BLU to take out sentries placed on the balcony inside)
-Added dino cutouts to all stages
-Replaced brush T-Rex with an animated wooden cutout model.
>Stage 1
-Hopefully optimized the area (added areaportals, fixed up some ridiculous visleaf clusters)
>Stage 3
-Added 2nd mid point
-Added BLU forward spawn tied to that point
>Stage 1
-Completely artpassed stage 1
-Fixed cliff spawn exit being blocked by an erroneous displacement
>All stages
-Re-added round start music from cp_snowplow (I like it a lot, and people seemed to like it in first versions of the map so here it is again).
>Stage 1
-Lowered the highground at 2nd point, added roofed balcony there
-Began fully artpassing stage 1
>Stage 2 & 3, fixed numerous issues based on feedback
>Stage 1
-Some changes to layout around second point