
Multi Stage Enclosure 2024_rc3

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Multi Stage Enclosure 2024_rc3

A nice, multistaged Jungle-themed payload map. (WIP)

Welcome, to Charles Darling's Triassic Preserve!

The past - today!

Enclosure is a three-stage payload map inspired by your favorite dinosaur movie.
First release
Last update

More downloads from AsG_Alligator

Latest updates

  1. 2024 update rc3

    -Shortened stage 3 - setup doors are now at the exit from the big wooden building -Moved the A point in stage 1 to the inside of the gate building.
  2. Hotfix rc2a

    Fixed blu being stuck in stage 3 spawn Known issue: forgot to unhide areaportal in that spot, there is a black nonsolid wall there instead
  3. 2024 update rc2

    -Tweaked the layout of the stage 2 last point further -Tweaked the layout of the tunnel section in stage 1 -Some more visual changes in stages 1 and 2 -Added a jumping class vent from next to B point area into the upstairs area of the final point...

Latest reviews

incredibly well detailed, fun gameplay and geometry. Super large but still well made. It's a shame it usually doesnt reach the 3rd stage.
This should've been in Jungle Inferno! Will credit you and add this to my server!
I really enjoy Enclosure - It's a blast to play and refresh after playing repetitious payload cult classics like Upward and Badwater Basin. I enjoy the areas of the map. Perhaps the first section in area 1 is a bit too squeezed, especially the area between A and B. Sometimes, the map feels a little too large, such as the first part in Area 3, and at other times a bit too squeezed, such as B in area 2.
Looks great, not the best gameplay.
Fantastic looking map that also plays well.