>Stage 1
-Several visual changes to out of bounds areas in this stage.
>Stage 2
-Changed the entrance door to security station building.
>Stage 3
-Changed several out of bounds areas.
-Added some buildings to the skybox.
-Removed all Mayann pack assets.
-Replaced all mayann palm trees with ones made by Void and Stiffy (thanks guys).
>Stage 1
-Removed cage crane room route (it is not an out of bounds area).
-Updated aviary model.
-Added a new route to second point outdoor area.
>Stage 2
-Changed initial area to get rid of sniper sightlines into blu spawn exit.
-Added stairs to the roof of the boathouse.
>Stage 3
-Several changes to final point area that will hopefully mitigate engie spam issue.
>Stage 1
-Shortened the stage
-Previous spawn area on the exterior is now out-of-bounds
-New Blu spawn is in brick generator room
-Setup gates are moved to the exit into the aviary
-Added a passage from concrete tunnel to cage unloading room.
-Removed one of one-way gates separating concrete tunnel from the cage unloading room>wooden tower path.
-Redesigned the connector in that area.
>Stage 1
-Added multiple areaportals and areaportalwindows.
-Removed the rock spire in the aviary area
>Stage 2
-Added multiple areaportals to the exterior area.
-Added some nodraw brushes inside displacements.
>Stage 3
-Replaced electric fence with a tall, solid wall to split the areas and increase performance.
-Added a ramp up to the bunker roof, changed the layout of stuff on the roof to prevent it from being an OP sniper balcony for defenders.
-Fixed func_brushes tied to func_areaportalwindows being solid.
>Stage 1
-Replaced func_detail truck in BLU spawn area with a custom model.
-Redesigned the rock bridge running over the river.
-Redesigned container unloading room (changed the wall and ceiling to rock)
-Added func_areaportalwindows to BLU spawn exits so that entirety of blu spawn stops rendering if players are far enough.
-Fixed waterfall rendering bug (they were glowing even in the dark due to their textures being UnlitGeneric)
-Raised one of the exits from BLU spawn.
>Stage 2
-Fixed missing nobuild brush over one of the buildings in second area.
-Added an out-of-bounds room in the security station building.
-Added an occluder blocking view through rock walls between 1st and 2nd area.
>Stage 3
-Added several occluders to this stage.
-Hopefully fixed a bug where sound of the raptor pit grinder would play in other areas.
-Replaced sunshine rock wall texture with a custom winter/rockwall014 grass blend material.
-Fixed and updated missing map loading pictures.
>Stage 1
-Fixed light leak in wooden building in last area.
-Added nobuild to the long roof.
>Stage 2
-Added nobuild to rooves.
>Stage 3
-Added fence piece to interior balcony of final building.
-Reduced alpha of several overlays.
-Reduced volume of certain sounds in the soundscape.
-Fixed incorrect env_sun pitch angle.
>Stage 1
-Added lamps over the cliff path in aviary.
-Fixed several displacement seams.
>Stage 2
-Added a building covering rightmost BLU spawn exit from snipers on cliff path.
>Stage 3
-Fixed a bunch of props being dynamic instead of static
-Added lamps to the exterior of main building.
-Added out-of-bounds electric fence on the cliff around last area.
>Changed brush electric fence pylons to a model.
>Removed excess teamspawn points and some sprites to cut down on edicts.
>Changed lighting and skybox to that of Hydro.
>Fixed missing LDR lighting.
>Finally going RC
>Stage 1
-Added some cover on cliffside scaffoldings to kill that one long sightline.
-Fixed misplaced rock prop under rock bridge.
-Raised the roof of the long balcony thing at B area.
>Stage 2
-Fixed a spot where you could get stuck behind a palm tree.
-Added wooden supports to several rock cliff segments.
-Reworked out-of-bounds area behind B point (the lake behind the boats which the payload boards at the end of stage 2)
>Stage 3
-Reworked out-of-bounds area behind BLU spawn.
-Added a vent structure to the top of the bunker.