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Ductway a5

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Ductway a5

a new level of viaduct ripoff!

[Current Update (a5)]
Expanded the Tunnels past cap, moved the ammopack there. also added a small HP and new entrance to this area. Also added a ton more lights in places that they were needed. Like on the cap. How did i miss that.

[Previous update (a4)]
[Added cover around the point. this should reduce sightlines down the point.

[Previous Update (a3)]
The Long awaited Barn update has arrived! do Barn-related things with Barn-related people!
[!}~Altered the spiral staircase room. That Staircase room has been replaced with a larger "Barn Loft" with a medium ammopack. There's also only 2 ramps instead of a spiral. (thx ExtraCheesyPie, Muddy, TehEpicEngie)

[!]~Resupply Lockers should work now. (thx DN Sasha)

[!]~Extended the Destroyed Building so that it is open at both ends, also added a ramp into the building through the new opening. there's also a large healthpack here.

[!]~Replaced a crouch-jump area with a ramp near the point. (thx Muddy)

[-]~Removed tanks from the mid area to reduce crowdedness.

[+]~Added a large ammopack in a new hut near the Double Door building outside spawn.

[!]~Replaced the Dropdown outside spawns with a one-way door. (it was stupid anyway)

[+]~Added a tunnel past the cap to vary gameplay

[!]~Made the capture point area large. (thx Egan)

[!]~extended the raised platforms by the point, added ramps and a crouch jump .

[!]~added a small healthpack near the aformentioned crouch-jump.
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Cole Slaw
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King of the Hill

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Latest updates

  1. Tunnels and LIghts

    Extended the Tunnels past cap, moved the ammopack there. also added a small HP and new entrance to this area. Also added a ton more lights in places that they were needed. Like on the cap. How did i miss that.
  2. Point Edition

    Added some cover around the point. that's it. This'll probably fix that huge sightline across point.
  3. The Barn Update! Ramps, Rooms, and Crates!

    Changelog: [!}~Altered the spiral staircase room. That Staircase room has been replaced with a larger "Barn Loft" with a medium ammopack. There's also only 2 ramps instead of a spiral. (thx ExtraCheesyPie, Muddy, TehEpicEngie) [!]~Resupply...