Descent a4a
Down, down, down we go
Red wants to launch a rocket. Blu does not want Red to launch a rocket. How do you stop a rocket launch? With a bomb. How do you get the bomb to the rocket? With an overly complicated mining cart track that inexplicably snakes its way throughout Red's secret facility. Now push, you're not getting paid to think.
Uses Freya's beautiful Soyuz rocket model.
Uses a couple of FGD5's beautiful vehicles.
Uses Void's beautiful Wildfire skybox and a modified version of his Twilight ambient light preset.
Uses a couple of ABS's prefabs.
If, by any chance, there is an uncredited model somewhere, please tell me so I can add it. It happens.
Inspired by Fmrunga's pl_downward.
Uses Freya's beautiful Soyuz rocket model.
Uses a couple of FGD5's beautiful vehicles.
Uses Void's beautiful Wildfire skybox and a modified version of his Twilight ambient light preset.
Uses a couple of ABS's prefabs.
If, by any chance, there is an uncredited model somewhere, please tell me so I can add it. It happens.
Inspired by Fmrunga's pl_downward.