Welcome to Release Candidate 1! This version comes with some fixes and improvements!
Changelog rc1
- New Logos overlays!
- Choose RED (Reliable Extraction Division) or BLU (Butane Liquidation Unit) to fight in this half demolished oilrig
- Block Bullets above spawns replaced with Skybox brush (thanks catboy)
- Fixed lights being too bright in some areas (thanks Buffer, Brokk and Ashie)
- Fixed planks to point being too thick (thanks Goom)
- Fixed water transitioning to 3D skybox (thanks Bladex64 and Zythe for the help)
- Reduced the amount of bottles (thnaks Buffer)
- Moved down cones on crane platform (thanks Midite)
- Changed top trims on helipad interiors to be less shiny (thanks Midnite)
- Fixed a prop where you could see through it (thanks Midnite)
- Fixed some prop collission and made some brushes illusionary (thanks Midnite and Brokk)
- Added a light on top of the resuply cabinets (thanks hombzy)
- Removed props on areas players cannot see to improve performance (thanks Brokk)
- Removed props to aliviate the visual noise (thanks Midlou)
- Change the shortcut gate for a new one
- Removed ropes to aliviate visual noise
- Added new overlays for health and ammo packs
- Fixed some brushes not being func_detail
- Fixed some lighting issues
- Fixed func_dustmotes on spawns
- Added a blockbullets under the streetlight posts to avoid hidden stickies (thanks Midnite)
- Made space outside the platforms a bit bigger (thanks Brokk and Rhamkin)
- Pushed the skybox brush farther from the end of playable area (thanks Rhamkin)
- Made crane joint non solid to avoid soldiers perching on it (thanks Rhamkin0
This whole update was a pain to make, from fighting overlays to water to make everything look as good as possible. Also the name of Demolition will stay, even if some people dont like it.
Hope you have fun and enjoy the new version of Demolition!