New Update is here after 10 Months! Changes include: Added menu photos. Fixed some bad geometry. Fixed some stuck spots. Added a little bit of additional visual detail and polish. Revamped 3D Skybox.
FINAL Version is here! No major changes, just some fixes and more visual polish to finally finish the map.
Added a new texture for the ground of the caves. Optimized the power of some displacements. Made slight changes to the skybox. Improved the blending between the grass ground inside and outside of the playable area. Further polished the look of the rock displacements.
Fixed the spawn times for blue while losing. Added some details. Optimized the lightmaps a bit more. Added occluders. Fixed some areaportal windows fading in to early. Reduced the intensity of the color correction. Fixed some gaps in the geometry up.
Check it out and give it a rating!
Tuned some weird looking spots in the caves. Adjusted the HDR Exposure and Bloom. Made further optimizations. Added Ropes. Changed some materials and details. Fixed some spots where people could get stuck after teleporting. Made the capture area slightly smaller. Made some adjustments to the respawn timer for defenders. Color correction has been redone. Changed lighting to improve visibility.
Release Candidate 1 is here! Gave the map some finishing details. Added HDR lighting. Added color correction. Improved clipping across the board. Added an easteregg. Introduced proper optimisation (hints, areaportals, nodraws and prop fading). Tweaked lighting for better visibility.
Updated the map with the current progress of the artpass, especially around both spawnrooms. Redid the lighting and added props, point_spotlights and env_sprites for the redone light sources.
Added the current progress of the art pass, with work mostly done around mid. Added soundscapes and other sound entities. Added some particle systems. Added 3D Skybox. Added Fog.
Widened the entrences to top area. Gave the dropdown from top to mid less of a view into the point. Made some fences less long. Extended the capture area to bottom. Moved the barrels from bottom to top. Reworked the roof dropdown. Made the entrances to mid from the bottom path less open. Added the first pass of detailing.