CPv2001 Control Point Remake (TF2Maps Version) 1.0
A port of a remake, tweaked to be used as a map asset.
This is a remake of "CPv2001 Animated Capture Point" by Alistor.
This is not a reupload. Alistor's files have not been included anywhere within this project.
I have previously uploaded the mod "[TF2C REMAKE] CPv2001 Animated Capture Point" to Gamebanana and have since received requests to upload it to TF2Maps to be used as a map asset. This is that, but with some other changes:
- Tweaked the Remake's Textures to be Closer to Live TF2's Control Point, rather than TF2 Classic's
- The RED & BLU Textures are no longer Fullbright (Like they are in the Vanilla Model)
- Added Polygons to the Bottom of the Model
5 Styles are included:
- Standard (Static, No Animation)
- On and Off (Pulses On and Off)
- On and Half-Off (Pulses between Fully On and Half-Off)
- Faithful (Pulses Between the Current Team's Color and Neutral, Just Like the Original Mod)
- Half-Faithful (Same as Style 4, but only Transitions Half Way into Neutral)
Model Path is "models\props_gameplay\cap_point_base_goobertremake.mdl"
- License
- Credit is required. Permission to modify required.