
cp_thalassophobia b5i fix 2

- might as well add more details while im at it
- I really hope that I didnt miss any light props I swear I will not be happy at all whatsoever I really really really do not want any props to be missing (when I mean missing I mean not there and not unpacked because rooms dont look great when theres just no props to show where that light is coming from you know?)
  • shifted the one of the exits onto C to the right
  • lowered the cover on B a bit bc im stupid idk
  • added some doors to prevent people going the wrong way
  • uh
  • fixed the blu arrow sign being dark
  • uhhhhhhhhhhh
  • removed extra route into A for Red
  • removed the vent
  • added extra route into A for Blu
  • added ammo packs for Red on C
  • changed some textures
  • added more details in Blu's first spawn
  • added more health for blu at C
  • fixed missing respawn trigger at blu first spawn
  • added a way to get out of the pool
  • removed the clipping I forgot to remove
  • no more Miyamoto
  • added 2fort color correction
  • fixed missing railing collection in blu spawn
  • fixed missing overlays
  • added extra route into A for RED
  • added new finale effects
  • more detailing
  • you can now drown in BLU spawn
  • yeah
- added grime and stuff
- minor fixes