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cp_Tangything a3

Updated to Alpha 3
-Changed Geometry
-Added Shack w/ access to flank
-Opened flank onto Point B
-Heightened slope (to prevent snipers from taking foot shots)
-Shuffled Health and Ammo packs
-Rearranged Red Spawn
-Moved Respawn Locker in Blu
-Fixed added time
-Temporarily removed shortcut
-Changed lighting pitch
Updated to Alpha 2:

-Fixed geometry
-Removed tunnel by Point A
-Added windows overlooking Point B
-Added upper frame over B Choke
-Added Shelter above Point B
-Added second Exit for Red Spawn
-Added new stairway to Red Spawn
-Added props around Point B
Fixed minor sightlines, but updating for a retest.
Forgot to add multiple respawn places.