microcontest 9

  1. 14bit

    14bit MC9 A1

    Planned with Tang, done for Microcontest 9.
  2. Funnystuf

    Funnystuf_mc9 a1

    Made for Microcontest #9: Buddy System! My buddy was Qualitycont, and our idea was basically "Mannpower in Space With a Route Where You Can Grapple On Asteroids" Here's the closest thing to a layout plan I drew Huge thanks to ISPuddy for their Mannpower prefab I basically ended up yoinking...
  3. Tang

    cp_Tangything a3

    My submission to the 9th Microcontest, paired alongside 14bit's map.
  4. 14bit

    Microcontest #9: Buddy System

    Welcome to Microcontest 9: Buddy System Grab a buddy and get ready for one of the most experimental Microcontests yet! Today we're taking taking a peek at parallel universes; starting from the same point, how does an idea evolve when built by two different people? There's a lot going on here...