
cp_potrero a3

updating potrero to a3

major changes include:
-reworking the majority of the last point + spawn, as well as an increased last cap time
-reworking connector room to allow 2nd to be better held/fewer sneaky last caps
-some bugfixing

initial todo for a4:
-improve layout clarity
had to change the map name to have all lowercase letters for the possibility of gamedays
tiny update based on info from the thread + some stuff i had forgotten to clip, not really deserving of new screenshots just yet

+brightened up several indoor areas
+stairs are scaled properly/all clipped
+tweaked some geometry in various places

i think the next big update i'll do is going to be completely gutting the wide room connecting mid to the yard before last, it seems to be way too open and easy to push through right now compared to the other mid -> 2nd options as well as making the rollout from last to mid too fast