
cp_pagoda A7

(Note: It's A7 because A5 was B1 without the new textures [never released] and B1 was basically A6 because I didn't know how going into beta worked)


-Finally fixed the skybox being an HL2 skybox and not Hydro's (Thanks Pocket!)

-Built an extension over the large choke between mid and second, not only to make it chokier, but also to block a nasty sightline between second and mid.
-In the same extension is a new route to last's transition that contains a few crates and a glass wall (to block a sighline from the building to the back walls of last)

-Move the last point forward a bit so it's in front of the spawn doors
-Added a chicken-wire wall behind the point to shrink the play area a bit

-Possibly more I dunno lol

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Pagoda is now in beta! I've kinda decided to abandon the suijin / kong king theme and go with something simpler.

Most of this update was a texture overhaul with a few tweaks thwon in, so I'm not gonna bother with a changelog this time. INSTEAD, have some screens (that now replace the old ones from the pain page)!:


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Very few changes (except for second/fourth, which its changes only warrant a screen), so I'm just gonna list all of them at once;

-Reworked second/fourth (see screens)
-Fixed first forward spawns not having respawn trigger volumes
-The medium health near the medium ammo on the first floor of the transition to last is now a full health (because of a sightline to it)
-Fixed forward spawns not having one-way textures on the outside
-Removed the collisionless lamp props
-Simplified a few areas
-Simplified the displacements

-Possibly more I dunno lol


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-Added and changed some signs throughout to better direct the flow of gameplay
-Lowered the giant-ass walls so that the map could generally be brighter

-Removed the resupply lockers from the forward spawns and made the doors one-way
-Removed doorway to last to prevent confusion
-Upgraded the medium ammo kit underneath the mid point to a full ammo kit, to help engineers compensate for the loss of the resupply locker's metal for teleporters
-Fixed Blu's forward spawn triggers (they weren't linked to the correct door)
-Moved the window to the medium health room over a bit so the forward spawn door doesn't clip through it

-Removed the wooden ledge near the point
-Where the ledge used to be, the block behind it was carved into a new ramp (to assist people defending their second and people pushing to mid when the game begins) and has glass walls to weaken engineers
-Also where the ledge used to be, on top of the new block/ramp is a passageway to the rightmost part of the transition to last's balcony
-On the opposite side of the point is a new forward spawn for people who've capped mid (it also has no resupply lockers and is 1-way)

-Where the doorway to mid used to be is now a ramp leading up to the far left side of the balcony
-The shipping containers are now symmetrical
-Removed all of the prop doors leading to last

-Cut diagonal chunks out of the backs of the ramps near last to make sentries more vulnerable
-Removed the wall directly in front of the point
-Added a glass floor in the middle of spawn so players can see the point and monitor it from inside spawn

-Possibly more I dunno lol

Screenshots (including a proper overview screen, thanks Another Crowbar for sending me the link to Crash's video!)


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This update is so massive that there won't be a changelog. Second/Fourth had several changes made, and last got a 100% overhaul, while mid is pretty much the same as it was before (save for a few new doors to the points).

I'll let these screens do the talking for me:


(Lower) Transition to Last

Last itself

(Upper) Transition to Last


A full map overview