
  • Shortened the length of the barn doors to allow for more visibility to the point. This should make the flank exit high ground more useful for players attacking the point
  • Adjusted the geometry around the point. The point should feel more open after the change.
  • Added and adjusted clipping
  • Added block bullet brushes in some areas to make splash damage more consistent

Art Pass
  • The detailing around the point has completely changed and I redid a bunch of other things
-Minor detail changes

Workshop version will be up soon

- upped health on the flanks from small to medium

-removed walls near silos.
-removed some props in areas that felt tight.
-minor visual changes

-More art pass
-Added geometry around the silos to restrict visibility while peeking into enemy territory
-Increased the height of the fence in between the main choke and the point to block a sight-line
-fixed an embarrassing issue with the spawn doors

Thanks to all the playtesters for their feedback!

-removed catwalk on silo
-added small ammo packs to flanks
-adjusted geometry around flank exits to block visibility
-detail changes
-reworked spawns in order to move them closer to the point
fixed an issue with clipping and textures

-Re-added the small health and ammo in main building near the point
-Added cat walk to silos
-Adjusted the geometry around the silos to give cover to attackers
-Redid the flanks
-Widened the flank exits

-Adjusted cover around the point
-Enlarged capture point
-Changed some props around the point

Changes should make fighting on the point feel less cramped and harder to defend.

-Removed health and ammo packs near the drop-down
-Changed location of the health and ammo packs near the wall
-Removed health and ammo on point
-Re-added health on the flanks

Health changes should make the point harder to defend

-Detail changes

Thanks for all the playtesters for feedback
Small change but worth uploading before next playtest.

-Geometry adjusted around the sniper catwalk and flank exit to limit visibility and movement between both.
-Reverted previous change on the sniper catwalk because it was made sort of redundant and would have stopped fun rocket jumps off of the ramp.