-clipping fixes
-inverted hill to teleporter in cap zone and added more hazard lines to try and make it more obvious where it is
-clipping fixes
-removed floating sconce
-lighting changes
-fixed stickies being able to be hidden IN the teleporter prop
-probably other things too
-fixed some detail problems
-added some effects to teleporting
-fixed the models causing lag at mid
-down pitched announcer to sound less harsh on the ears
-lighting changes
-clipping fixes
-menu photo's added
-custom description added
-custom .res file added for pd hud
-more brains scattered around the map (can you find them all?)
-made teleporter in main map more obvious
-made teleporter in mindscape more obvious
-made cap zone in mindscape more obvious
-probably some other stuff too trying to get ready for rc1
-more fixes
-more lighting adjustments
-fixed missing underworld damage
-Brightened most of the map
-Moved cap area teleporter exit out of spawn
-clipping fixes
-detail fixes
-pushed back spawns a bit
-used a different particle for the teleporter without the distortion effect
-added some lights to the green goo
-optimization stuff
-other things too probably
-inverted mid nipple
-added some balcony's
-adjusted health and ammo placement
-brightened overall lighting
-made mindscape larger
-made cap zone around mindscape larger
-made mindscape play space more interesting
-fixed players getting thrown into the void when teleporting to the mindscape
-added railings to mindscape entrance as a failsafe if above still happens
-exiting mindscape now gives a few seconds of uber
-minor detail changes
-minor clipping changes
-attempts at optimization
-probably some other stuff too


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