
Past 72hr Jam Entry Cornkeep b6

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Slightly adjusted geometry in front of B
Added staircase at last to help flankers reach second floor from lower flank
Changed the flank path to B point
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more details
Started detailing
Preparing to move to beta
Opened up the building in front of silo a little to allow jumping classes to jump over. This should help alleviate some frustrating situations where red has too strong of a hold at the opening gate.
Added a staircase up to the building facing A. This is mostly to help flank classes and better blue access which is needed if red sets up multiple sentry nests.
B is now a rocket rather than a nucleus thing
Removed a crate that Tails used to ambush red engineers that led to red failing to set up sentry nest and losing.
Ambushing red's sentry nest is harder now with the path being more open and visible to red.
Moved red spawn exit so it's not directly facing the point.
Other smaller changes
Blocked some sightlines
Upgraded A house health pack to medium and moved closer to blue side
Reduced red respawnwave time for B from 9 seconds to 8 seconds.
Red respawn timer increases by 2 seconds after A capture.
Adjusted sun angle. map is now brighter
Edited entrance to B to be more favorable for blue
Added small health pack to the underground flank to B
Added extra windows to the highground building near A. This should provide better opportunity to use it as a staging area for capturing A