
Multi Stage Chemplant a14d

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Multi Stage Chemplant a14d

Come on down and capture for fun.

This is a remake of an older map from scratch, which fixes some critical scaling issues.




Known issues:
  • Lighting in last is dismal; going to open up more windows so it won't have to rely on fill lighting as much.
  • Signage is confusing. My guess is it's more the routes.
First release
Last update
Attack/Defense CP

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Latest updates

  1. Big(?) Changes

    Changes: Connectors to last are pretty new. Like, real new. Inside of last is smaller, brighter, etc. Clipping is back. Whoops. Problems: Optimization might be starting to suffer. Lighting and signage in the new areas is crude.
  2. Stage 1 Stuff

    Not really sure why I left the end of the stage the way I did; some obvious stuff was missing. Mostly just added the missing left side flank, added missing signage, and cleaned up old propspam and signage that was left over in the map from older...
  3. Weaving a Story pt 2: Oral Stage

    Watching the last demo, I realized I overcompensated for Red's underperformance at 1B. This is update is a series of small tweaks so that I can get a better idea of how the point actually performs: At 1B specifically: The respawn time for RED...