
Cerana Alpha 7 - B-ee Balancings

Widened the drop-down right after point B
Fixed bad clipping on point C
The shortcut door now has no entry on it on either sides
Added sign for red to tell where the shortcut door leads to
Minor reworking to the cover and flow at point A for red
Added a new path for Blu to take in the final point area
Added prop jump back to the orange wall on the last point

Reworking of respawn times for each team:

StartAfter point A CaptureAfter point B Capture
Blue respawn times334
Red respawn times855
Increased time to capture point A (was 8 seconds, now is 12)
Adjusted height of transition building on point A
Added additional cover by point A -> B's turnaround point

Reworked Blue's path to the mid-bit of the final point
Added drop-down for red that makes movement into point B faster, that closes after point B is captured
Reworked the choke point and surrounding area for the final point

Fixed Point B tall fence collisions jutting out from the player clip
Red now force respawns after point A is captured
Increased the height of the skybox
Reducing bloom overall
Removed, well blocked off, several flank routes on the last point
Adjusted ammo placement on the first point to help Red set up defenses on the point
Small rework of the positioning of the first point to help Red reach the point
Decreased max amount of time on the clock (was 10 minutes, now is 6 minutes)
Increased time to capture point A (was 6 seconds, now is 8)
Respawn times have been tweaked post point B capture (blue: 3 secs -> 5 secs | red: 8 secs -> 4 secs)
Complete rework of the first point
Major rework of the last point
Widened shared spawn rooms back area
Added new spawn room exit for the shared spawn room
Added sightline blocker by right ramp to B to stop sightlines into it from A point
Changed the interior of the blue inital spawn room to provide better spawn coverage
Added some taller fencing near the blue left building secondary door
Added TF2M's feedback relay to remove the last point area's barriers during testing

Figured out how to allow Red to contest the first point

Reworked the diagonals of track leading to the last point to provide fewer sightlines to red's spawn and other areas of the map
Did a slight reworking of the cart's right lower path during the last stage to reduce diagonal sightlines even further

Moved the rightmost resupply cabinet in Red's last spawn room to around the corner to prevent spawn camping
Moved around Red's last spawn to allow for more spacing between it and the end of the payload track
The large healthkit on the left flank of the last point has been downgraded to a medium
Fixed a few pixel gaps from the orange doors (blue spawn room #1 and blue's left building)
Slightly increased the sting damage of bees