-Turns out the direct hit explosion noise -when used by a tf_generic_bomb- doesn't care about whether or not its close to a player or not to play the loudest possible version of the sound. This has been fixed.
-Optimization changes: Red and Blu side now have bigger buildings to block off sightlines to improve what renders and what doesn't. This should probably increase fps.
-Lots of clipping fixes.
-Added an additional wire.
Update 8/31/2024
-Fixed Ragtime music not playing right.
-New Boo-let models. Higher poly, more scary.
Fixed clipping
Fixed weird skybox brushes in spawn
Fixed textures
Added info screen textures
Redid floor at mid
New Dynamite models for the map
New detailing all around
Prop fades adjustments
Added blockbullets to the cart prop at mid
Added 2 more boo-lets
Optimization changes
-Added some pumpkin bombs that'll be replaced with dynamite to do damage to the sheriff and damage to the players. They'll be swapped out with dynamite stacks later.

-Clipping fixes

-Optimization tweaks

-Changes to the particles

-Hopefully packed particles correctly

-Bar fight melee trigger fixes

-Fixes to portals not allowing players to port

-Nobuilds to some shrubs to stop mini sentry engies from being bullies

-Brightened some areas

-Fog changes

-Skybox changes
Fixed bullet not going to correct bullet path
Fixed particles overlaying each other
Fixed packing issues with the Sheriff