
72hr Jam 2023 Brisk a3

  • Slightly increased distances between control points so some geometry and props needed to be adjusted

  • Changed the upper room near last (might change this area to be more punishing for attackers, appears more like a room you'd see in an A/D map)


  • Added Props to discourage sniper sight lines onto last (especially the sight line from 2nd to last)


  • Moved a health and ammo kit near "2nd" points
  • Fixed Blu's last point having a smaller capture zone


  • 20230928000050_1.jpg
    322 KB · Views: 29
Now that I've actually gotten the time to play test it myself there are a few changes I made especially for the final points as realized they will be unfun for the defending team to push out of
(Changes in this version are in dev textures)
  • Added flanks and some cover for the defending team on the final points. (Mainly focusing on this aspect of the map)
  • Adjusted the layout of the high ground flank to the final points and now defenders can access this flank.
  • Added a small room next to the drop down/ramp towards the teams' 2nd point from mid.
  • Disabled collision to rails and added clipping.
  • Adjusted the ceiling of the choke with the pillar near the teams' final point.
  • Moved a water barrel prop to fix a sniper sightline.
  • Added a version string to the file
  • Added clipping to stairs
  • Fixed BLU unable to leave 2nd and 3rd spawn
  • Slightly lowered the metal door brush between the final and after point