
Bis A15

-Reduced the cap timer to 2 seconds from 4
-Modified the point layout to give players more space
-Defending teams respawn wave timer has been increasing
-Other small layout changes
-Minor texture changes
-Switched the gamemode to KOTH
-Layout changes to make the map feel less scatterbrained (hopefully)
-Pushed out the noflagzone, to force players to fight in team neutral zones more (may need to be more restrictive but I want to see how things fair out with this new change
-Marked for death penalty now lasts for as long as the player is holding the flag
-removed some asymmetric elements
I've waited for the preliminary voting to end before doing this, hopefully this doesn't cause much conflicts..

Hi, I've been paying a lot of attention to feedback and as such I've updated the map accordingly, there were a multitude of things that I had worries about (map scale, powerups allowing for one team to steamroll the other) that turned out to be big problems with the overall design. So drastic changes were made because of that, you can read them down below.

-Picking up the flag gives the carrier a 30 second long speedboost in addition to their other status effects/ailments (which have been reduced to 30 seconds from an indefinite length of time).
-Removed Mannpowerups
-Removed a lot of obstacles / propstacles, focusing on creating a fair open courtyard for both teams instead of a claustrophobic nightmare.
-Opened up / modified the interiors for much of the same reasons.
-Both spawns have an exit that leads out to a sewer like area to help mitigate spawncamping
-Added a harvest like roof in mid
-Removed 2 platforms that contained powerups as their purpose was made obsolete.
-Made respawn timers half their length
-It takes 2 seconds to score a point for your team now instead of 3, the instruction text has been updated to represent this change
-Modified the layout to account for the removal of propstacles
-Extended the area that multiple platforms on the cliffside take up
-The amount of points needed to win has been increased to 90 from 30.
-Added visualizers for where the flag can't go
-Other layout changes to help create a better flow & combat environment
-Fixed engineers not being able to build in the region outside of where they spawn
-Fixed players dropping their powerups when going into the region where they spawn
-Fixed players not being able to pickup the flag when it is dropped within their spawn.
-When being picked up by a player in their spawn region, the flag now immediately resets back to its starting position
-Cubemaps added
-One specific brush oversight in Red Spawn has been fixed
-Staying in the flag room no longer stops the counter from rising, there were so many glitches tied to how I implemented this that I decided to remove it outright
-Drastically changed the flag room to be less walled off
-Changed the sprite that's attached to a briefcase to be something less placeholder
-Raised the Death Trigger to prevent exploits
-Clipped some objects to prevent exploits
-Changed the location of some pickups, as well as changed their class
-Fixed one powerup from respawning
-All the powerups use the sounds that they use in Mannpower when being picked up instead of the Haste Pickup sound effect that was set for all of them.
-Added signs that fit the context of the objective (from The Swamp Lost Assets Pack)
-Fixed a bug where dropping a flag and having another player pick it up in the region where points aren't scored causes the player picking it up to score points for their team until they hit the maximum point number
-Raised the invisible ceiling to make rocket jumping less of a hassle from certain buildings
-Fixed a mapbreaking bug
-Fixed a problem regarding one of the powerups not respawning