
Bis A15

-Fixed the cooldown for one of the powerups being too short
-Altered the position and size for the flag UI ever so slightly
-Spread out the spawnpoints so that teammates aren't scrunched together like sardines at the start of every round
-Fixed a bug pertaining to stalemates
-More Clipping
-Letting the timer run out no longer ends in a stalemate, whoever has the most points by the end of the round is deemed the winner.
-Slightly extended the return timer for the flag.
-Minor layout changes to prevent some long sniper sightlines
I inferred that there would be problems with finding the flag carrier by those with flag glow turned off, so a sprite has been attached to the flag to show where the flag is at all times. Bonus: The color of the sprite changes color based on what state it is in (If it's picked up by Red or Blue, or is sitting at its spawning point), as shown in these screenshots.

The default state shows a nice shade of purple!


While when it's being held by a player on the blue team it shows the cool shade of blue. Red team gets a warm shade of red as well!

Other notes:
-Fixed a bug where dropping a flag in the flag's spawn room will cause the score for the team who originally picked it up to tick upwards indefinitely
-Polished the rotation of model geometry
-Added a new Ms. Pauling voiceline (courtesy of that instructs players the objective
-Added a context fitting line for when the flag is now available for pickup.
-Extended the warning area for when each team is about to enter their base region while holding the flag.
-In addition to being marked for death when holding the flag, the player is also doused in Mad Milk.
-Tweaked the timer and Setup timer to be slightly longer
-Tried fixing a potential exploit
-Added a 5 second setup timer
-Added func_nobuild on some of the roofs
-Fixed more bugs with powerups
-Tweaked the respawn times for each of the powerups
-Removed all Mannpower logic pertaining to the grappling hook.
-Redesigned the level to accommodate for these changes
-Redesigned the flag room
-Staying in the flag room no longer forces the player to drop the flag, instead it prevents the player from scoring.
-Powerups are redesigned / replaced, they function differently from normal Powerups in that they always replace the current one you're holding.
-Going back to each teams starting field will remove the flag based on the team holding it.
-The flag no longer returns on drop, instead there's a 2 second return timer, with a 3 second long cooldown timer.
-The lower region of the map has a terribly long sightline so there have been some changes to it.
-Extended the region func_nobuild takes up
-Fixed some messy brushwork
-There's now a 5 second cooldown when a player drops the flag, any other player will be unable to pick it up until the cooldown is finished.
-Lowered the "ceiling"
-Fixed some texture inconsistencies
-Capped the height of the sky
-Added geometry in the middle blank spot of the map to prevent
-Updated the static props used for the lights to have no collision
-Minor aesthetic improvements
-Fixed an oversight