Azumith v2

Azumith v2 v2_a7

Problems with last version:
Due to imbalanced teams in playtests (and certain high skilled players) it was a bit hard to tell, but it seems that Blu had issues getting to B. Red might be able to hold the point too easily for a few reasons - they spawn too quickly, Blu has a long walk time to the point, and some of the pickups favor Red players peeking in to sabotage Blu setting up in the lobby.

Changes in this version:
  • A
    • Blu now gets a forward spawn room 15 seconds after capturing A. This new spawn room is to the left of A. This should orient the Blu team so that they can make easier access of all entrances to the A to B lobby. This forward spawn now cuts down walk times for Blu from Spawn to B from 21 seconds to 16 seconds for a reduction of 5 seconds or about a 1/4 reduction in walk times!
    • This forward spawn also provides some more high ground for Red for holding A. I don't think it will be super significant, but we'll have to see. Red players should get crouch jump access to the shack directly in front of the forward spawn.
    • Pickups adjusted to be in better places for Blu. Increased the size of some packs to help Red a bit.
    • Adjusted spawn times for Blu from 2 to 3. Hopefully this will allow Blu players to spawn in larger groups which may assist in pushes.
    • Adjusted spawn times for Red from 6 to 8. This point could be hard to attack and with the changes to Blu's spawn wave times and the additional high ground, I feel this is necessary.
  • B
    • Old forward spawn for Blu removed. I might make use of this space again in the future.
    • Adjusted pickups to make it harder for Red players to push into the lobby and break up Blu's pushes. We'll see if there are too few in practice.
    • Adjusted spawn times for Blu from 2 to 3. Hopefully this will allow Blu players to spawn in larger groups which may assist in pushes.
    • Adjusted spawn times for Red from 6 to 8. Should hopefully make it harder for Red to retake.
  • C
    • Adjusted spawn times for Blu from 2 to 3. Hopefully this will allow Blu players to spawn in larger groups which may assist in pushes.
  • Changed some cutout prop locations
  • Fixed some clipping errors
Screenshots of changes;
Full time job plus mapper's block hit hard. Back at it though! This update is a bit meaty.

Problems with last version:
B was too hard to hold generally speaking. Red was mostly dead by the time Blu arrived at the point. Red couldn't recuperate from losses on B. Blu didn't have great rotation through their routes leading to B. Red couldn't forward hold in the routes leading to any point so it felt a bit boring.

Changes in this version:
  • Added a shit shack to the left side of A. Game play! In all seriousness, this should provide some more cover for Red players evacuating from that spot back to the point and their exit to B. An extra rooftop might also be nice for mobile classes. Inside the shack can be a nice hiding spot for spies or other classes to get a breather.
  • Adjusted Red's respawn time from 4 seconds to 6 seconds to accommodate Red's forward spawn location change.
  • Adjusted setup time to accommodate Red's forward spawn location change.
  • Changed up the routes heading to B.
    • On the left side, Red now has a ramp to build sentries on and hide behind. The walkway up top unites all the routes and also is a nice spot for Red engineers to build a teleport for A. It's possible to forward hold B from here for a good while.
    • On the right side, there is now a ramp leading up the walkway. There are also more spots for cover. This route is also more crowded, leading to it feeling different from the left route and also being more suitable for flankers.
    • There is now a break room that serves as a passage from the left side route to the right side route. By using it you are in a dangerous sight line for a brief amount of time, but there are some rewarding pickups inside. Could be good as a spot for Blu engineers.
    • Added some props to reinforce the granary/distillery theming.
    • Adjusted pickups
  • Blu's forward spawn is now elevated to make these changes.
  • Red's forward spawn is now inside the lobby room above the reception desk in the route to C. Red's forward spawn is now enabled until after B is captured. This should allow Red players to actually contest the point so it's not a steamroll 99% of the time. Red players have easy access to all routes leading to B from here.
  • Changes to the point itself
    • The Red side of the point is now at the same level as the capture zone. Before, both sides were 64 hammer units below the point. This allowed players to shoot forward across the point while being hard to see. That was bad!
    • The routes for Red are now more interconnected now that the forward spawn is moved. The old forward spawn location is now used to connect these routes and provide a backwards hold for Red on B.
    • The right side by Red is now slightly elevated. This is just for fun, but might prove to be a strong spot for Heavies supported by dispensers.
    • The Engineer nest location inside the train tunnel is now wider. This should make it a bit easier to use.
    • Added a shit shack for Red on the left side. Should be a nice hideaway or spot to build an aggressive teleporter.
    • Made prop jump up to the train high ground on the left side more obvious.
    • The right side for Blu is now at the same level as the point. There are a few peek spots and some medium cover that might be beneficial for spam.
    • Adjusted pickups
  • As mentioned before, the routes are a bit more unified. This should make it easier for Red to control.
  • Moved the waterfall on the left route from the center to the left. This should make it a bit easier for Red to hold this area. Adjusted the pickup location to suit this change.
  • Added some cover to the lobby room for Red. This blocks a few sight lines as a bonus. You can stand and build on this cover too!
  • The new center room behind B is now a good spot for a Red forward hold. Should take some time to break through if an Engineer is allowed to set up.
  • The right side flank is now a bit more interesting. Added elevation changes and theming for storytelling.
  • Clipped the ceiling in the C arena so Soldiers and Demomen don't keep getting their heads' caught on the beams
  • Adjusted pickups.

Screenshots of changes:
Minor update.
Added missing respawnroomvisualizer on Red's last spawn.
Fixed skybox prop alignment.
Huge thanks to ABP (and also Aulli) for helping me with formulating ideas for changes as well as giving me confidence to continue working on this map!

Changes in this version:
  • A:
    • Players can now get on to the roof above the point! This might go away if it turns out it sucks.
    • Changed Red's forward defense in the building by Blu's spawn and high ground route by raising it up so it's a covered drop-down with a prop jump to get up. Hopefully this should prevent Red from wiping here if they're being greedy. This also changes the layout inside the building slightly to favor Red engineers setting up near the high ground overlooking the A point.
    • Increased the height of the ceilings inside the building between Blu's spawn and the A point.
    • Minor pickup changes
    • Due to the better options for Red to control A (especially the roof on the A point) respawn wave times for Red on A have been increased from 7 to 8.
  • B:
    • Changed up the A-B connector a bit.
      • There is now an engineer cubby/cover for Red players forward holding/falling back from A. Should help Red not die when falling back from A.
      • Removed the highest platform in the connector since it wasn't being used and it being kind of ugly.
      • Added another bit of cover for Red players pushing in from the high ground (train platform) route where the ramp to the highest platform in the A-B connector. Should help Red not die when falling back too.
      • Minor pickup changes
    • Reduced Red's respawn wave time on B from 7 to 5.
  • C:
    • Gave Red a better place to hold in the B-C lobby that being a platform overlooking the lobby. Both the staircase in the lobby as well as the staircase in the alternate route lead up here. This should give Red a better chance of holding here. Hopefully it's not too strong.
    • Removed the platform in the lobby closest to the flank route leading to C. It wasn't used much but could make it too difficult for Red to push into lobby once Blu got control.
    • Moved Red's last spawn to be centralized behind the point instead of on the right side. This should make holding on the left side more of an option for Red.
      • Old spawn room is now a computer room. :3
    • Walled up the battlements on the back of the point to reduce sight lines although this is mostly to protect Red's spawn exits.
    • Changed the right side area (where the palette used to be) to be better hold location. There is now full ammo and medium health there as well as a minor high ground platform and additional cover. Should make holding here more possible for Red.
    • Moved medium ammo packs near the point inside the engineer cubby further inwards so players can place sentries where they used to be which seemed to be the preferred location.
    • Minor pickup changes
    • Reduced Red's respawn wave time on C from 7 to 6.
Screenshots of changes:
Minor update. I think B might be fine, I just seriously messed up item placements last revision. A full ammo pack for Engineer right next to the best place to set up with a medium health right next to it? What was I thinking? lol. If this still doesn't go well I'll figure out something to make Blu's rotations through their B lobby even easier.

Changes in this version:
  • Added a Gravel Pit style small ammo pickup for Red on A. Should help sustain fights a bit longer.
  • Changed timer at start to be 7 minutes long as opposed to 8, should give Red more of a chance to defend A. Still not going to super commit to giving Red a really good chance to hold A yet, I think players haven't figured out the best strategies yet AND I want to primarily test B.
  • Added some pickups for Blu along the barrel room route leading to the high ground on B. Should make it much easier for them to contest this area. Hopefully not too easy! I'll adjust as needed.
  • Changed ammo pickup on traincars on B from medium to small and changed placement so it's more vulnerable to make it easy to contest players camping that spot
  • Moved fence boundary near train platform on B so Blu doesn't have to peek a blind corner to the left when pushing through so much
  • Changed pickups near Red's side of the B point from a full ammo and medium health to a medium ammo and small health. Should make it so sentry nests don't get instantly rebuilt like they did last playtest.
  • Moved some other pickups for Blu on the lower boilers route to B so they're in better cover. This should also make it easier to push main as well.
  • Removed a gay roamer spot awning above the boiler route to B that was really lame and free
  • Fixed a clipping issue that lead to a gay roamer spot on a fence near the train on B. Why do the fence props have such bad and inconsistent collision models, Valve?
  • Added some block bullets by the train on B so Blu Demoman pipes don't fall into the gutter so to speak
No screenshots this time as geo hasn't really changed at all
Changes in this version:
  • A:
    • Added secondary exit for Red. Hopefully it isn't too strong.
    • Added a sign for the Red Brewery building.
  • B:
    • Completely changed up B. Still a train station, but more purposeful.
    • Added height variation and new sentry positions. Should be easier to defend?
    • Changed pickup locations and sized to better suit Red hopefully.
    • Due to the changes here it should take Red longer to get to A and Blu longer to get to B than before.
      • Hopefully this helps make A easier to take and B easier to defend.
    • Take a look at the screenshots below!
  • C
    • No changes here if I remember correctly.
Screenshots of changes:
Changes in this version: (there's a lot but I'll keep it brief)
  • Made routes between points more connected
  • Moved highground for B over to the left side, hopefully Red will escape naturally that way and hold it like intended
  • Completely revamped lobby for C
  • Revamped, shrunk and Rotated C 45 degrees.
  • Probably other stuff but idk
Screenshots of changes:
The whole area around B played poorly so I changed it all up.

  • Lowered B and A-B and B-C connectors. Red should have much less high-ground advantage now.
  • Reworked B-C connector
  • Reworked A-B connector slightly
  • Removed lazy highground on B for Red. Added high ground that's closer to Blu
  • Gave Red some cover out of their new route. Added some more pickups to B.
  • Changed Blu's forward spawn to better flow to the new B-C connector.
  • Opened up another window in the highground overlooking B where Blu's forward spawn used to be. Also added some pickups in there so Red can hold better.
  • Brought back the drop-down on C so it's more in the open now. Hopefully Blu won't be able to sneak behind Red for free this time.
  • Added a resupply cabinet to Red's final respawn because. Yeah. It wasn't there last time lol
  • Changed max game time from 10 minutes to 8 minutes and changed initial time from 10 minutes to 8 minutes as well
  • Reduced respawn wave times for Red team

Screenshots of changes:
I have implemented some changes with feedback from PigPig before the first test.

  • Removed existing smallest exit from Blu spawn as Red could spam through it into Blu spawn positions.
  • Added new small exit from Blu spawn onto route leading to high ground in the spawn yard
  • Slightly widened main terrain route for Blu on A
  • Raised some doorways to prevent headbumping
  • Widened some doorways to help Blu push
  • Fixed a lot of clipping issues
  • Changed alternate route from B to C lobby to be shorter and easier for Blu to push
  • Altered catwalks in C lobby for Blu to prevent players from hiding underneath them

Screenshots of changes:
No changes! Site just ate the download link so I have to reupload it. Wonderful!