- Visual and geometrical adjustments
- Optimization improved
- Soundscapes altered slightly
- Both initial BLU spawns' windows start closed (open after setup)
- Stage 2 Cap 1 altered
- BLU shipping containers converted into an extra building (contains a small healthkit and ammopack)
- Larger work office near point expanded slightly
- Detail and lighting adjustments
- Stage 1 Cap 2 altered
- Broken window in garage improved (Easier to shoot through, and more visible overall)
- Defensive buildings for RED expanded (More spaces for players to hold)
- Lighting improved
- Stage 2 Cap 2 altered
- Pit hazard's movement is more noticeable, and lighting is richer
- Added additional platform near Stage 2 Cap 2 (RED players can safely drop down from window after door closes to access left side)
- Render mode for respawnroom visualizers altered
- Minor visual alterations
- Soundscapes refined
- Lighting for Stage 2 BLU base interior increased slightly
- Custom soundscapes implemented
- Clipping improved
- Shallow water added to flank near "A"
- Geometry near "B" garage altered (Stage 1 Cap 2)
- Garage interior now has a Sniper window
- RED shipping crates near "C" now have occluders for optimization (Stage 2 Cap 1)
- Medium and large healthkit near "C" become small healthkits when "D" unlocks
- Visual and lighting fixes
- Clipping adjustments
- Fixed a nonsolid-prop near Stage 1 Cap 2
- Visual and lighting improvements
- Texture changes to "General Industries Co." building (BLU Spawn Stage 1)
- Support beams added in RED buildings near Stage 1 Cap 2
- Office window near Stage 2 Cap 1 can be jumped through
- Collisions on pipes for Stage 2 Cap 2 adjusted
- Water texture altered (will possibly revert)
- Visual changes (RED Stage 1 and BLU Stage 2 bases)
- Attacking routes to Stage 2 Cap 1 altered slightly
- Visual improvements and adjustments
- Cover for Stage 2 Cap 1 altered slightly
- Respawn times for Stage 1 Cap 2 shortened for both teams