
Multi Stage Apocalypse B7d

  • Custom soundscapes implemented
  • Clipping improved
  • Shallow water added to flank near "A"
  • Geometry near "B" garage altered (Stage 1 Cap 2)
    • Garage interior now has a Sniper window
  • RED shipping crates near "C" now have occluders for optimization (Stage 2 Cap 1)
    • Medium and large healthkit near "C" become small healthkits when "D" unlocks
  • Visual and lighting fixes
  • Clipping adjustments
    • Fixed a nonsolid-prop near Stage 1 Cap 2
  • Visual and lighting improvements
    • Texture changes to "General Industries Co." building (BLU Spawn Stage 1)
    • Support beams added in RED buildings near Stage 1 Cap 2
  • Office window near Stage 2 Cap 1 can be jumped through
  • Collisions on pipes for Stage 2 Cap 2 adjusted
  • Water texture altered (will possibly revert)
  • Visual changes (RED Stage 1 and BLU Stage 2 bases)
  • Attacking routes to Stage 2 Cap 1 altered slightly
  • Visual improvements and adjustments
  • Cover for Stage 2 Cap 1 altered slightly
  • Respawn times for Stage 1 Cap 2 shortened for both teams
    • RED: 6
    • BLU: 3
  • Stage 1 Cap 2 routes and geometry altered (more brutal chokepoints; compensation for BLU spawn's proximity to the capture zone and ease of access to setup areas)
  • Stage 2 Cap 1 additional detailing
  • Extra lights added to certain dark locations
  • Stage 1 Cap 2 and Stage 2 Cap 1 layouts altered
  • Respawn time for RED increased on Stage 1 Cap 2 (6 -> 8)
  • Healthkits and ammopacks at these caps readjusted to assist defenders
  • Texture of a building near Stage 1 Cap 2 now properly team-oriented
  • Ambient lighting brightened slightly
Stage 1 Cap 2
  • Battleground shuffled (More areas for RED to hold ahead of cap)
  • Ammopack and healthkit distribution adjusted
  • RED respawn decreased (8 -> 6)
  • BLU respawn increased (3 -> 4)
  • Clipped off an unintended roof area
Stage 2 Cap 2
  • Reshuffled cover above cap
  • Added extra ammopack and healthkit
  • Visual detailing
    • Stage 2 visual overhaul
  • Reworked routes (Stage 1 Cap 2, Stage 2 Cap 2)
  • Shortcut door on Stage 2 for RED removed (right on RED's perspective)
    • Should allow Spies on both teams to access enemy fortifications on Stage 2 Cap 2
  • Stage 2 Cap 2 respawn time for BLU increased
  • Various routes and pickups altered
  • Respawn times are less RED-sided
TeamInitial (Stage 1)BLU possesses 1 point (Stage 1)Initial (Stage 2)BLU possesses 1 point (Stage 2)
  • Capture times tweaked
Capture PointB4B5
Stage 1 A1515
Stage 1 B35
Stage 2 A2040
Stage 2 B615
  • General detailing