2Fort Fall

2Fort Fall rc2

● Lighting and detailing adjustments

Getting ready for Steam Workshop release (when steam stops shitting the bed)
● Fixed cubemaps;
● Repacked the map.
● Fixed small visual glitches;
● More minor clipping adjustments;
● Fixed some stuff, broke some stuff...
● Fixed a bunch of stuff that I broke in b2
● Further optimization;
● Clipping adjustments;
● Added cool water caustics by Midlou

Experimenting with gameplay changes:
● Added second exits in main spawn rooms;
● Removed spawn rooms in intel areas;
● Added connectors at first fort floors and put small ammo packs there;
● Added stairs™ leading out of canal;
● Repaired roof on the bridge;
● Removed lower covers from the bridge for easier movement;
● Added barriers to the bridge to compensate the removal of covers;
● Added barrier under the bridge;
● Moved medium ammo packs in sewers further in hopes that engineers will stop nesting there.