My apologies if I came across rather strong. I guess I just got very invested in the idea of the Mayann project, and I saw the introduction of a Medieval project as a more generic theme which would dilute the stream of quality Mayann-themed items while reducing the odds of both projects being picked up as official updates.
It's not that I have anything against Medieval mode or Medieval cosmetics, you understand; I just feel as if the Medieval theme is far easier to develop maps, cosmetics, and weapons around, and that there's little chance of the Mayann project being as popular (and thus less likely to be picked up as an official update) as a Medieval-themed update, due to the enduring popularity of Medieval mode and the high probability of a more consistent flow of Medieval submissions to the Steam Workshop. I would have been all behind this project had it been announced in eight months time, but a month after the announcement of the Mayann project?
Look, you're all talented individuals, and I have no doubt that you'll make some creative and interesting submissions. But dang it, I'm not a robot, and it really pains me to see the arrival of a fancy new project that looks to be the death knell of a project I was so heavily invested in, and for which I had so many ideas to flesh out once I finally got the chance in a few weeks. It just feels to me like you're more or less giving up on continuing development for the Mayann project after it had barely even started. And what am I supposed to do? Keep developing ideas for a project that isn't as likely to get accepted for an update? Or shift creative gears and get involved in a much more open-ended project which could - for all I know - have its legs swept out from under it a month later at the whims of the creative gods within the TF2 community?
I'm sorry if I came off as a dick. I'm sorry that I made two posts in an effort to make my voice heard regardless of the steep, slippery slope of Facepunch's rating system. But after a life of not getting taken seriously by friends and colleagues, I wasn't willing to let my voice be casually ignored in the roar of the hype train.