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CP Steamboat Race 5E


L3: Member
Mar 30, 2021
Steamboat Race - Balloon Race but on the sea and river

Like Balloon Race or Wacky Races, this best-of-seven competition occurs in two steamboats traveling to each point. Capture four to win!

Special rounds include:
One-and-Done (KOTH mode)
Lots-a-Crocs (water is deadly)
Oven Hell (portals at points)
Overdrive (only shooting the paddlebox slows the boat down)

I'm looking for feedback on if the special rounds are balanced, if the points are fun to play on and if there are any graphical glitches that hammer can somehow solve.

Edit: I'm getting reports that the boats are too small and turn spontaneously, if you have any insights as to how to make a func_tracktrain move better in the source engine, please let me know.
I'm also getting reports that the pusher trigger (what's in front of the dial) isn't working right. Please let me know what you've experienced.
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L3: Member
Mar 30, 2021
I've updated the map to improve the functionality of the boats as well as the following:

-larger boats with a ramp to the top
-no music, it bloats the filesize.
-on-screen text to tell you when your boat is moving
-more signs
-improved trigger logic for boats
-all water is safe to dive in and teleports you unless "Lots-o-Crocs" is active
-other small fixes, too numerous to mention

try it and let me know what you think!

Read the rest of this update entry...


L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
Thank goodness I didn't miss this being uploaded here as well as on the Steam Workshop!

I imagine you've already tried this, but one of the ways that mappers use to have smoother turns for func_tracktrains (which I imagine the steamboat is) is to add more path_tracks around turns to make the turn just a bit smoother. There's also making the func_tracktrain be a bit slower, but I imagine that isn't really an option since this IS a "race" type mode after all. Either of these two options can work though, but once again I imagine you have already tried them.

Other than that, I can't wait to try something like this with 30+ players on my server. Honestly cannot wait to see how chaotic it is, and if I gain any knowledge about possible problems with this "stress test" of course I'll be sure to inform you. Keep up the good work!


L3: Member
Mar 30, 2021

Apparently the buttons in the paddlebox are unlocked all the time instead of just for fast mode and the RED boat is experiencing problems with moving itself. I don't think locking buttons works. I am fixing the errors and will have a fixed version 4 next week. Don't play or test the map until then.


master of fast travel
Jun 27, 2016
hey fyi people crashed with this error message. Knocked out most of the server.


L3: Member
Mar 30, 2021
Thanks for the heads-up nesman. I looked up this error on interlopers and apparently the issue is the circle decals on the boats. I'll fix this and upload a new version.


L3: Member
Mar 30, 2021
This update is to correct a severe error in previous versions and improve the overall quality of the map. Particular fixes include:

  • Ring decals on the boats are now brushes to avoid crashing
  • Skybox no longer casts a shadow on the swamp and canal
  • Small details added to fix the skybox's appearance
  • Hell area now hurts less
  • Music is restored for your listening pleasure
  • Canyon looks more verdant
  • Updated the localization files

Read the rest of this update entry...


L1: Registered
Dec 11, 2021
Hi, I downloaded version 5 of your map for my server.

But it has a bug which doesn't allow you to move from your spawn.

EDIT: I wrote this comment today, but reporting a bug that happened to me yesterday.

Now I downloaded version 4 and played it without the problem I named, then I played version 5 again and didn't have the same problem again.

I exited the game and reopened the map from the console to see if the error would return to save it, but it had already been solved.
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L3: Member
Mar 30, 2021
Cyberen updated Steamboat Race with a new update entry:

5C for you and me!

This update fixes several problems with the map's logic and a few visual ones.

  • Added slowing effect to water to prevent players from rushing to points without the boat
  • Shrunk hell and added healing effect to exit
  • Made hell not kill before the next point is contested
  • Moved hell exit to boats instead of spawn
  • Better fog logic for swamp versus spawn
  • Minor visual improvements
  • Shooting the paddleboxes in "Overdrive" will slow down the boats but not stop them entirely...

Read the rest of this update entry...


L3: Member
Mar 30, 2021
Cyberen updated Steamboat Race with a new update entry:

One day later, it's 5E!

After uploading the previous update with the new lighthouse fixture, I realized that the control point hologram was showing up behind the glass. After a day of messing around in Blender and VTFedit I came up with a solution to show it properly. I also decreased the lightmap scale so the top of the lighthouse looks better, and a few other small fixes. All better!

Read the rest of this update entry...