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SD Monkeynaut a7c


You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
The ground in the third screenshot looks really flat, maybe add a hill to it with displacements?


L420: High Member
Jan 29, 2015
I recently caught the last 10 minutes or so of your map on the gameday.

Warning: lots of comparisons to doomsday incoming

There are 3 things ive noticed that make it very hard to retake

  1. The map is very narrow. You can reach the enemy spawn many times quicker than in doomsday. It's also quite shorter, which means people reach the point with the intel much faster. Whether that's good or bad is your decision. More on that in a bit.
  2. Doomsday has a lot of high spots, low spots, etc, spaced out all over the map. Yours has some low spots, but the only significant high spot is in between the intel and the point, which leaves the rest of the map feeling rather flat.
If you notice, Doomsday's capture point is on a plateau, even before the rocket rises further. So if you drop the intel, it's hard-ish to reclaim it, since the enemy team can hold the entire uphill area and shoot down at you. The point here is entirely flat, meaning anyone can just walk in and take it, almost no effort required. Since the run time between Intel-Point is so short, it takes seconds to just get it to the Cap and at that point its almost impossible for the team that didnt get the flag to win.

Another thing that compounds on this is that the capture area is extremely large. Might want to make it a bit smaller, since you can stand almost anywhere and still have it capture.

So thats my basic issue with the map right now. It's almost impossible to get it to reset due to the distance (you can get anywhere on the map super ez due to its tinyness, and grab the flag). The flag didn't get past halfway reset timer when i played. An easy bandaid fix would be to reduce the timer on the reset, but there are fundamental issues at play in the design.
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L3: Member
Mar 27, 2015
Response to US gameday feedback

-Increased the distance between spawns by around 1024 units, scattered height variation around the new space (will be converted to displacements later when I figure out how to displacement like a decent mapper)
-Added a 4th spawn exit above the sliding doors leading to the australium room, currently has disgusting sight lines to the capture area. Also highest ground on map
-Made the door triggers larger, hopefully that should solve problems
-Changed high ground health pack to small
-Changed the low ground health packs outside midspawn to medium
-Made the capture area smaller
-Removed the red spawn point in the middle of the map that I missed because I'm blind
-Removed the low ground small ammo packs outside midspawn
-Will focus on making the cap area harder to cap in next update
-Still no monkeys, astronauts or combinations of the two

Read the rest of this update entry...


L420: High Member
Jan 29, 2015
Next time you put it up for a game you can just go on the feedback page and click "Demos". If you put it up for an impromptu you can get it tested more often.

Did you post it for any impromptu map testing?

Join the official group

Go to the group chat

type in: "!add <map name> <download url>"

example: !add cp_fishfood_a2

It should get automatically added to the list for testing

There would be an announcement that pops up whenever an admin or vip decides to start a test (you can also scour the group chat to see if there's one starting sometime) if you want to join in.

Otherwise you can check and click on your map name to see any feedback people leave. You can also download the map demo, and watch it.


L3: Member
Mar 27, 2015
-Added windows to the center building to overlook the capture zone
-Added a skill jump route from the tunnel entrances to the top of the tunnel
-Added brushes to block some evil sight lines, rather than spamming fences
-Redesigned the australium room, now has a mission control vibe.
-Made the australium room exits more obvious with lights
-Changed door triggers to OnEndTouchAll
-Clipped some props
-Fixed Red's door to the australium because I was inept
-The middle windows in the tunnel near mid are now solid
-Removed deathpit outside midspawn
-Still no displacements, I'll get round to it later, I promise

-Still no monkeys, astronauts or any combinations of the two

Read the rest of this update entry...


L3: Member
Mar 27, 2015
-Fixed missing signs in Blu spawn (I swear they just deleted themselves)
-Added australium reset to the deathpit behind the rocket
-The rocket launch is now at midday, making it easier to see your enemies
-Made glass more opaque
-Made the floor white
-Shrunk the HP kits in the australium room and behind the fence near the point
-Removed around half of the control panels in the australium room, should open it up a bit while keeping it in theme

Read the rest of this update entry...


L3: Member
Mar 27, 2015
-Added a death pit near the point
-Replaced a door with a lift, now stop bugging me about it Muddy.
-Increased time to capture to ~32 seconds (From ~22 seconds)
-Added a platform to allow players to reach the fully open lift
-Made the sunlight slightly less yellow
-Made the placeholder ground slightly darker
-Replaces some of the fence outside of mid spawn with an opaque brush
-Prevented players from falling into the rocket silo until the game is won
-Moved the resupplys near the australium spawn exit
-Rework the australium room again, now it is a cave
-Altered the size of some health packs
-Remove the route from spawn to the australium room

-Still no monkeys or displacements

Read the rest of this update entry...


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
-Fixed the lift not going down if the rocket door started to open
Another issue from the playtest last night was that the elevator seemed to randomly kill players standing on it as it began to lift. I don't know if that's what was really happening, but a lot of people complained about randomly dying on the lift. Make sure to check the demos if you haven't!