
PL Lionroar rc1


Feb 8, 2016
Lionroar - jungle

first of all i see what you are thinking. what? thats a new map been uploaded and it starts with rc1? well the map is a reskin of an existing one which is pl_cliffedge. i put some good work their and thanks to Crowbar , muddy ,crash and some other people who helped i managed to solve many problems. i previously uploaded my map on the workshop on beta version and now i am importing it to rc1 because i am happy on how it turned out to be and i feel its ready.
thanks again to everyone who helped me with his feedback etc.

overall the map is made for the jungle update which valve announced on their blogpost.
The Map is Based on a tropical island where the blue team was a temple which is devoted on "god lion" which temple red is threating to destroy but the blu team is going to fight back....
the map has some easter eggs and features that you can descover! so keep your eyes open! and enjoy the map.


I like this because i love maps that also as reskin of it like most halloween maps


Distinction in Applied Carving
Feb 22, 2014
@Star Bright @Hydrogen @ProfHappycat I would like to remind everyone that "Respectfully Disagree" is not to be used as a "Dislike" button for someone else's work; please make a post to share your thoughts instead. The rating should be reserved for low-value posts/submissions and incorrect information.


Feb 8, 2016
the thing behind me doing a reskin is because i thought i had no time left to start a completely new map for the jungle update valve comes and says there is still time and i am like i need to finish it right now so thats what happent :p

Mess About

L7: Fancy Member
Jan 16, 2017
the thing behind me doing a reskin is because i thought i had no time left to start a completely new map for the jungle update valve comes and says there is still time and i am like i need to finish it right now so thats what happent :p

ain't gonna happen, rushing only make your map looks bad,

and what's the point of having your map finished in-time but looks like shit and never got picked up by the TF2 team?

Edit: they just released a balance note yesterday dude, the update is near

Diva Dan

Mar 20, 2016
If I'm going to be honest, a lot more effort will have to be put in to make this look jungle themed. At the moment a lot of choices don't quite make sense, like there still being pine trees in the jungle, and a plethora of farm themed props laying around. When making a map you usually have the theme planned ahead of time instead of an afterthought that you paint over the level. And if it's and afterthought, you need to put serious effort into making it look convincing. To me the map looks like someone built a farm in a jungle, which makes no sense at all.

Besides that, since this is RC1, I think it's fair to criticize a few things. A lot of your displacements are square and don't look very natural. You have a lot of misaligned textures like roofs that aren't angled correctly and some poorly detailed geometry scattered around. The roofs specifically stick out to me because they are too thick and flat on the bottoms or sides. I recommend keeping them to 4 units wide for a start. Check out other maps for some good inspiration.

Some areas are also detailed a lot less than others. The last area specifically looks significantly less jungle-ified than the first area, which could make sense if your lore held up, but from the actual appearance of the map, it does not. I mean, sure, maybe red is intruding on the land by building a farm. But the whole map looks more farm than jungle. If anything it looks like blue team is preparing for a jungle themed halloween party and decorating the stuff around them with trees and temples in the background. If you disabled the 3D skybox, I would hardly know this was a jungle map.

I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh, I just want you to put more thought into these "reskins". Reskins are okay for halloween. But not when you are themeing a map totally differently, in my opinion. If you wanted to make a really good jungle reskin, I would start from scratch and erase existing detail, leaving the bare geometry. This would let you rethink the level in an entirely different way, making a jungle setting much more convincing.

Sadly it's too late for that, and I'm happy for you that you made an honest effort to reskin a map before the deadline. But it's going to need a lot more work before it becomes quality enough to be accepted.

If you want to work on the map further, I would take a lot of notes from borneo and how those buildings are structured and detailed for a start, and how it accomplishes smooth displacements and well balanced prop usage. I hope this will be useful in your future mapping escapades, because I really do wish you luck!


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
I've mentioned this in feedback maybe twice at this point, but look:



This is what water does when I move the camera slightly to the left, without even physically moving my character. This is what happens when you try to put two different bodies of water in the same area at two different levels. This is what will always happen if you do that. You have a few options. One is to switch to hard-coded cheap water for one of the two and accept that it'll mean no visible fog, just cubemap reflections on the surface. You might actually have to hard-code both of them; I'm not sure. The other is to modify the actual layout—replace the water under the bridge with an empty gorge or something.

EDIT: Oh wait I had more stuff from this map...


Looks like you took my advice from earlier and tried to fix this staircase, but the bottom step is still super thin, suggesting that either the upper or the lower floor is off-grid or the stairs are a nonstandard size. Since nobody ever seems to listen to me when I point this out about their map, I'm going to give it a decompile and at least figure out which one.


Oh dear. I was not expecting the answer to be "all of the above, plus every single brush in the entire map is off grid", but there we are. Look, uh... I don't think I'm going to be able to provide useful advice at this point because I would never let a map go this far without fixing my alignments, let alone try to salvage it once it did. Anyone else have some good advice, short of trying to recreate the whole map from scratch?


I also took a screencap of this visible brush seam, but that's kind of insignificant at this point, isn't it.
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Feb 8, 2016
thanks for the feedback i will take your advise into consideration and i will try to fix the issues ;)
Oct 6, 2008
HI there!

We just added this map onto our server - 32 player fast respawn - and we really enjoy it.

One major bug that has come up is the last cap point - you have a yellow hazmat barrel to the left of the 'D' can you remove or fix the visibility of hit? If you are near it you can see it, if you are at the bottom of the ramp leading to the final goal or farther away you can't see it at all. It's causing a lot of headaches.

Please fix ASAP and if possible can you give an ETA for a fix, we are having another map test night in November - thanks!
Oct 6, 2008
We're going to be having another map test night coming up at the end of the month - any chance of getting a fix / modified map in by then?


Feb 8, 2016
sadly no. i dont think it's worth it to fix this map. it has a lot of issues going on and fixing them will require me maybe to start over the map again. like it has optimization problems, many errors and more. if you want to play it so much, i could try to fix the errors and update it
Oct 6, 2008
Hi again, are you able to fix that one item above by the end of the month - we love the map. Alternatively, if you can't or don't want to or no longer want to work on the map, could I work on a copy of your VMF - you'll get full credit for it of course :)
Oct 6, 2008
Hi there!

Any news of an update? We enjoy playing your map :)


Feb 8, 2016
Its nice to see you guys playing the map and having fun. sadly i dont have the mayann pack cause the site is down for the mayann project.
tell me if you guys have any errors while playing the map and If yes I will do an attempt to find the pack and release a fixed version. ( i also completely forgot about it so i am sorry for taking so long)
Oct 6, 2008
Thanks for the update!, I have been renovating and moving so my rig has ben out of action for last two weeks. I'll ask the guys if they've noticed any more errors on the map - if there are any big issues i.e. 1 team can camp the other's spawn - do you want that info as well?


Feb 8, 2016
yea sure whatever I can fix so as to make the map more enjoyable for you guys.
btw if you liked this jungle map that I made wait until you see the new payload jungle map i am making.
When the jungle inferno update was announced I thought the valve map would be a payload one and What I imagined that would come is what I am making currently so keep an eye for that too.