
PL Eruption B14

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Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated pl_eruption with a new update entry:

Quality of life improvements and a better B (Hopefully)

In this update:
➤Improved fps and optimization
➤improved clipping
➤tweaked hp and ammo pack placements.
➤Added a little more detailing

-----Point A-----
➤Upgraded medium ammo packs to full ones.
➤replaced some mining rocks with cliff rocks
➤replaced some rocks with fences, brushes or displacements
➤Fixed being able to climb a rock as sniper, hide and snipe people.
-----Point B-----
➤Reworked the point so as to allow blu to...

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Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated pl_eruption with a new update entry:

A more balanced map? Hope so

In this update:
➤Improved clipping
➤Improved fps via occluders & hints
➤Made props fading less obvious
➤Fixed collision issues with certain props
➤More detailing added to the map
➤Removed most trees from the gameplay area and made the push entities on top of the trees work better
➤Some forest rock props got replaced with cliff ones.
➤Fixed the lighting bug inside Red's first spawn. (It's been around since B1 lol)

-----Point A-----
➤Removed the rollback zone...

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Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated pl_eruption with a new update entry:

Slowly finishing up the map! (C is now 100% done)

In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤ Reworked the detailing inside Blu's spawn. Now the cave feels a lot more unique, custom props made by JeddyK
➤Made it possible for Blu to climb up to Red's highground via a small platform. This should help attackers.

-----Point B-----
➤Reworked mid, Now instead of a bridge there is a "Hill"

-----Point C-----
➤ Detailed 100% of the point. Now C is...

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Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated pl_eruption with a new update entry:

A is now fully detailed!

In this update:

➤Fixed a couple of issues such as seams.
➤Changed Spawn times after each point gets capped.

---Old spawn times----
1st: 8/3
2nd: 8/3
3rd: 6/3
4th: 7/3

---New spawn times---
1st: 8/3
2nd: 8/2
3rd: 7/3
4th: 9/2

-----Point A-----
➤ Cave's out of bounds detailing was expanded a little in order to hide the skybox.
➤Fully detailed A, (Preparing for September 2nd Deadline for competitive cups)

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Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated pl_eruption with a new update entry:

More detailing and changes to B and D

In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤Fixed the gravel (ice) issue
➤props now cast shadows
➤fixed obvious prop fades
➤Gave the spy a few places to decloak
➤Medic should be a little more safe at A now. Just a little tho
➤Improved clipping.
➤Added fog
-----Point B-----
➤Removed Red's ramp up to the highground at mid. Now they have to go all the way back to their highground in order to reach the highground at mid.
➤Gave the...

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L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
You should definitely consider updating your Overview screenshots soon. You've come a long way, and your map is looking quite different than what it looks like in the screenshots!

Other than that, keep up the great work! Can't wait to see where this map goes next, and I'm always happy to see that this map got updated in my notifications. <3


Feb 8, 2016
You should definitely consider updating your Overview screenshots soon. You've come a long way, and your map is looking quite different than what it looks like in the screenshots!

Other than that, keep up the great work! Can't wait to see where this map goes next, and I'm always happy to see that this map got updated in my notifications. <3
awww thank you so much!
Your words mean a lot to me. And sure thing!

Deleted member 27649

I have a newfound appreciation of how pretty this map is after I took a closer look today--

--speaking of which, I noticed that this map actually uses colour correction to get its nice blue... warmth? (lol, but like, it's true? nice warm sunny days are pretty blue-ish ^~^)

It looks great in most of the map!,
but fails horribly in the frequently used nature rock texture when it is lit 'directly'(?) by the sky's ambient light. Gets way too blue and oversatured.

Maybe make the ambient light warmer or grayer? Maybe make the colour itself darker, too? I'm not really sure if these suggestions are any good, but, they're there. I'd love to experiment with it myself but, uh, I'm not subjecting my compy to hours of vrad -final, specially when I lack the author's vision on it xd

lovely map, i'm kindof angry at myself for not being as positive as i should've been like every time i had the opportunity to be
can't wait for 3d skybox cuz my imagination is going wild looking at all the currently empty vistas ^~^

this was my 69th message, how jolly
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Feb 8, 2016
I have a newfound appreciation of how pretty this map is after I took a closer look today--

--speaking of which, I noticed that this map actually uses colour correction to get its nice blue... warmth? (lol, but like, it's true? nice warm sunny days are pretty blue-ish ^~^)

It looks great in most of the map!,
but fails horribly in the frequently used nature rock texture when it is lit 'directly'(?) by the sky's ambient light. Gets way too blue and oversatured.

Maybe make the ambient light warmer or grayer? Maybe make the colour itself darker, too? I'm not really sure if these suggestions are any good, but, they're there. I'd love to experiment with it myself but, uh, I'm not subjecting my compy to hours of vrad -final, specially when I lack the author's vision on it xd

lovely map, i'm kindof angry at myself for not being as positive as i should've been like every time i had the opportunity to be
can't wait for 3d skybox cuz my imagination is going wild looking at all the currently empty vistas ^~^

this was my 69th message, how jolly
first of all... Nice!
Second of all thank you for your feedback, I will make sure to address this issue as soon as possible!


Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated pl_eruption with a new update entry:

Say goodbye to your dev textures chucklehead!

In this version:

➤Fixed a few issues with the map.
➤Improved clipping.
➤Removed all dev textures.

-----Point B-----
➤Added a drop down for Red and for spies to use.
➤Detailed the point some more.
-----Point D-----
➤Detailed the whole point.
➤Changed the detailing inside Red's spawn.
➤Moved the health and ammo from Blu's left route into D, from the entrance, down to the freezer...

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L2: Junior Member
Sep 22, 2015
Clip not high enough

Forward spawn can build front:

Last spawn can build front:

Spawnroom outside
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Feb 8, 2016
Billo updated pl_eruption with a new update entry:

The map is fully detailed now! (kinda!)

In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤Added more cover
-----Point B-----
➤Fully detailed the point.
➤Improved lighting
➤Made it possible to climb up to Blu's highground via a prop jump.
➤Added more signs to guide players to the right path.
➤Remade Blu's second forward spawn. So no more getting stuck to the floor. Now that area is an old Red base that Blu just took over.

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