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TC ynysllwynogod a14a

Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger submitted a new resource:

ynysllwynogod - grey grey grey grey grey grey grey grey grey grey grey

Ynys Llywnogod, "Isle of Foxes", a tc map started for apb's tcdom contest then hurriedly finished in the last 48 hours because even if you don't want to finish it it's like 75% done anyway right?

Intended for a London theme in mind, with initial inspiration from the Isle of Dogs.

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Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger updated ynysllwynogod with a new update entry:

the widening

General assessment:
-overall, this layout worked surprisingly well - players generally found it fun, relatively easy to navigate, and liked the point designs
-the biggest complaints were with the connectors; the thin and choky corridors held back a lot of gameplay
-point Y (the bridge) was far too easy to defend from the W (streets) direction
-the last points for both teams could not be defended; I had thought I'd scaled them similarly to hydro, but attackers were always able to easily cap...

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Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger updated ynysllwynogod with a new update entry:

new Y

General assessment:
-importantly, no one complained about tight spaces, so we can move on from that
-the lasts had the exact same problem as before, ending almost immediately
--this is despite closely going for hydro's scaling; I think setup doors are basically required. Either that, or it's a layout issue
-Y point, the crossover, is essentially uncappable, although the changes did make it easier for attackers to reach the point at all
--specifically, the point being next to a large...

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Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger updated ynysllwynogod with a new update entry:

Minor balance changes

General assessment:
-surprisingly, glaring map problems are mostly gone - issues revolve around balance
-the exception to this is the last points; the slowly opening doors were mostly annoying, and defenders kept trying to push out rather than defend
-the new Y point only had one proper whack (lol tc) with a YZ round; the point area itself didn't lead to any significant problems, although there was some confusion about the YZ connectors themselves
-I noticed that Z players consistently...

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Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger updated ynysllwynogod with a new update entry:

refresh of W point

General assessment:
-the classic hydro experience: stalemates! In the 30 minutes of playtime neither last was seen once
-I feel like these problems were partially the result of the W point and its connectors, so it's a good time to actually address those
-there's a few other things that could be addressed, but as usual I don't want to change too much in one go

-W has been remade, although it retains the same rough shape
--areas have been cleaned up to not just be abstract geometry...

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Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger updated ynysllwynogod with a new update entry:

Underground station! Train hazard!

General assessment:
-The new W point worked fine, though obviously more testing is needed; the WX round didn't get played
-overall things are at a pretty good stage, no major complaints!
-main problem that sticks out is the diagonal rounds; there just isn't enough room to prevent it being a barely disguised corridor-choke
-one last point got played, defenders didn't realise they were supposed to defend and got wiped. Again. Oh dear.

-added an underground route used for both diagonal...

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Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger updated ynysllwynogod with a new update entry:

Minor changes for the last points

General assessment:
-in the first playtest, teams were unbalanced, although it was still fun - the losing team put up a solid defence, and was still able to get captime on the enemy's point
-blue last got actual playtime! It was a liiittle choky, but everything works
-red last got actual playtime! very choky, needs opening up
-the underground area was missed by a lot of people though, so it didn't affect gameplay as much as it could have
-in general, the layout works pretty well; there's...

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Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger updated ynysllwynogod with a new update entry:

Blue last gets a new staging area

General assessment:
-first time played with a lower playercount
--rounds were quick initially, but after a while both teams got an engineer and the rounds lengthened
-interestingly, without the stream of enemies coming from doorways that told you where you needed to push, players got lost somewhat easier
-in this test at least, the spawn move on the Stairs point did orient players how I wanted
-red last got played; notably, red almost entirely ignored the rightmost route, which hampered...

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Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger updated ynysllwynogod with a new update entry:

Rejigging blue's last

General assessment:
-the general flow of games is settling into the first one or two rounds ending quickly, then people learn to defend and rounds taking a decent amount of time
--usually there's roughly one stalemated round which is okay, but this time one round fully stalemated
--as far as I can tell, this was because red got passive and turtled their point
-nothing really stands out at this point as really needing improvements, though blue last doesn't feel quite there for me


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Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger updated ynysllwynogod with a new update entry:

RIP bridge

General assessment:
-main problem now is the stalemating; lightning rounds thankfully don't happen enough to worry about, especially when teams learn they need to defend after the first few rounds, but rounds should be going into sudden death as little as possible
-the map geo is in need of a little trimming to simplify things, especially the bridge point

-made the bridge on the bridge point inaccessible, and adjusted geometry to match
-removed the raised area below the point, made...

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Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger updated ynysllwynogod with a new update entry:


General assessment:
-these changes don't have much to do with the singular playtest a10 got - more addressing issues that had been bothering me for a while without knowing/wanting to fix them
-the one thing it did show is that the changes to blu last were fine, at least
-the lingering problems were mostly around the connectors between hospital and stairs; it slowly ended up being a confusing mess of interconnected areas, which were not just chaotic to play around, but encouraged stalemates...

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Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger updated ynysllwynogod with a new update entry:

smol changes to red last

General assessment:
-red last got played 3 times. All the little buffs I gave defenders over several versions so that the point wouldn't be instantly capped have compounded into a monstrosity once decent players had a whack at it
-because there was this back-and-forth of redoing last, basically nothing else got tested hahahahaha

-added geo to the point, extended the walls around the spiral stairs; this blocking of the space will reduce angles somewhat, hopefully making it easier to...

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Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger updated ynysllwynogod with a new update entry:

red last, again

General assessment:
-red last still too hard to defend; blue players can get onto the point, the problem is there's too much faff for red defenders to hide behind so that blue can't clear the area
-like last update, there's another connector that's been bothering me, between bridge and atrium; have some small edits in mind

-red last:
--moved the vent exit up to the balcony
--removed the outer route to the left of the point
--removed the lower entrance to the side connector

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Jun 17, 2010
This is for the tc_ynysllwynogoda12

I have to say i'm kind of bad at seeing the map in multi stage way. Its not your fault or the maps fault, its just me and my brain. I find TC gamemode always a bit confusing but i think the map also has many corridors and areas that are kind of behind the corner and not always so clear where to go. I can find my way where I need to go, so thats not a problem.

Image #1 - Theres a lots of signs here where to go. Looking from different spots of the map they kind of make sense but the level should propably also guide to correct direction, so there wouldnt be any dead ends or routes that lead nowhere, excepr to the way that the player should go to. Geometry can also do this, not just signs and such. I would only use arrows to point the really obvious routes, not with 5 arrows like this.

I do like the subway moving around under the main routes, thats a nice touch. Same with the spinning thing in another stage (image #2). These are things that make the map diffrent and memorable from other maps.

I hope you can get this further, it would be interesting to see another tc map around there. I have played like 3 maps before this one and 2 of them (one being hydro) were more simpler than this felt like. But the 3rd one was more confusing, though it was good looking. I think that if you can simplify the routes a bit and make it more obvious where to go, that gets you pretty far with the map. I will look forward to some textured versions and see where you can get with it. Good luck with the map!


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Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger updated ynysllwynogod with a new update entry:

spring cleaning

General assessment:
-bridge point is simultaneously too busy but also needs to be made more busy by having the top of the bridge accessible again according to player feedback. I think I'm gonna live with the fact that the map is going to be a bit chunky
-blu last got defended because only a single attacker realised there was a third entrance to the point. Oops.
-might be worth doing a heavy simplification pass; I had a look at the a1 after some comments by abp, and woah I can really feel the...

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Red Dagger

L2: Junior Member
Mar 7, 2016
Red Dagger updated ynysllwynogod with a new update entry:

signage fixes

-fixed one of the bridge-atrium doors not opening (I forgot to func_brush it)
-fixed collisions on the sign in the tunnel (I forgot prop_dynamic collisions don't go away if you disable the prop, so collisions are now handled by a blockbullets func_brush instead)
-removed a pointless sign that was needed to indicate a doorway behind stairs that don't exist anymore
-somehow no one ever noticed that the hospital point cap zone wasn't marked at all despite how many versions it's been through. yee

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