Ye Olde Conteste Hybrid Test Night - 9/17/2024

Added to Calendar: 09-17-24

Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
Welcome to Week 2 of Ye Olde Conteste! We've had a lot of development happen since even the posting of the first test night, and it's really awesome to see! I'm glad to be getting to play some of these new maps, as well as some of the returning ones. I'm really looking forward to seeing what y'all have cooking, so keep on bringing your A-game and show me (as well as my awesome judge team, @half, @Fiddleford, @mousejumper, and @Gruppy) whatever you've got! >:3

A reminder, hybrid means that we'll be doing both YOC maps, as well as regular maps that are on the bot. If you'd like to request a spot in the lineup that's free (via those "unknown map" slots), please put a reply with a link to your map and we'll happily play it! :D
Current free slots: 3 Asymm.

When: Tuesday, September 17th, 2024, 1:00PM Eastern US Time (7:00PM Central European Time)
Where: EU Server
Who's Hosting: Me, @Katsu! :3

1. KOTH Seashore, by @Hadull. (Approx Time: 7:00PM CET / 1:00PM ET)
2. Unknown Asymmetrical Imp Map. (Approx Time: 7:30PM CET / 1:30PM ET)
3. RD August101 Oldies, by @August101. (Approx Time: 8:00PM CET / 2:00PM ET)
4. UTF Tour, by @Radial. (Approx Time: 8:30PM CET / 2:30PM ET)
5. CP Barracks, by @Le Codex. (Approx Time: 9:00PM CET / 3:00PM ET)
6. Unknown Asymmetrical Imp Map. (Approx Time: 9:30PM CET / 3:30PM ET)
7. CTF Jumannji, by @Total Rapscallion. (Approx Time: 10:00PM CET / 4:00PM ET)
8. Unknown Asymmetrical Imp Map. (Approx Time: 10:30PM CET / 4:30PM ET)
9. STB Drunkard, by @Switchgeer. (Approx Time: 11:00PM CET / 5:00PM ET)

I wish you good luck with your maps! Keep giving our team your all, I want to see the full potential of each of your maps :)


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