Ye Olde Conteste Hybrid Test Night! - 20/9/24

Added to Calendar: 09-20-24


Apr 10, 2016
Hi everyone! Hope your maps are looking good!

I'm looking to host a map test for in-progress contest maps this Friday at ~10AM PDT on the EU server (7PM CEST).

I'm looking for ~5-6 medieval maps to run. If your map hasn't been tested yet, let me know! I'll make sure it gets on the list.
Message me on discord or in the replies to this post if you'd like your map to be tested. I'll be updating this post with the map list once I have a good number to run.


(And mine, if it's ready on time!)

My forum posts aren't as fancy as Katsu's, but I think they do the job :chord:

I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone's been up to!
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