Ye Olde Conteste Hybrid Test Night - 10/2/2024

Added to Calendar: 10-02-24

Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
It's week 4, baby! We've finally busted down the border of "October," and that means we're gearing up for two tests per week! This'll hopefully be extra nice on our mappers, as more testing means, well, more testing! Ha. Anyway, onto the info this week.

A reminder, hybrid means that we'll be running both Ye Olde Conteste maps as well as Regular Testing maps. If you'd like to ask for a specific, open slot in the schedule (which is marked as "Unknown Imp Map"), please feel free to make a comment on this thread with your map! We are not accepting YOC maps for these open slots.
Current slots open: Map 2, Map 4, Map 6, Map 8

When: Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024, 7:00PM Eastern Time
Where: US Server
Who's Hosting?: @Katsu! :3. Who else would it be?

Map List/Order:
1. ICTF Alexandria, by @Aspennly. (Approx Time: 7:00PM ET)
2. Unknown Imp Map. (Approx Time: 7:30PM ET)
3. CTF Jumannji, by @Total Rapscallion. (Approx Time: 8:00PM ET)
4. Unknown Imp Map. (Approx Time: 8:30PM ET)
5. PD Ballista, by @PureAdvantageCamel. (Approx Time: 9:00PM ET)
6. Unknown Imp Map. (Approx Time: 9:30PM ET)
7. RD August101 Oldies, by @August101. (Approx Time: 10:00PM ET)
8. Unknown Imp Map. (Approx Time: 10:30PM ET)
9. KOTH Seashore, by @Hadull. (Approx Time: 11:00PM ET)

Why yes, I did shamelessly copy and paste the text above! How could you tell? :p
Seriously though, good luck to y'all. A good amount of these have been a lot of fun, I and the team really appreciate you guys giving us your all.


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